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We arrived to Macys and walked around looking for the others.

Kairi got a call.

Kairi: hello

Mar: where yall at?

Kairi: dude we're looking for y'all

Mar: meet us at that big sign in the middle

Kairi: ok

Mar hung up.

mattia: what they say

Kairi: to meet them at that big sign in the middle

Kairi says while walking. I decided to walk beside Kairi. He looked at me and wrapped his right arm around me. Kinda like a rest. Like he was resting his arm cause im shorter than him.

Kairi: wassup sis?

Ameera: we haven't been talking lately.

Kairi: true.

Ameera: you havent found someone you liked yet?

Kairi: im seeing this girl Celia.

Ameera: oooooh what's she look like?

Kairi: she's so fucking beautiful. Its something about her and i can never get her off my mind.

Ameera: awww kaiii. have you two ever hung out?

Kairi: yeah. Alejandro has a girlfriend now. Her names Katie.

Ameera: when did they start dating?

Kairi: on the day you and mar got together..

my smile kinda faded away. I remember how happy i was. How happy he was. There was nothing to worry about. Then i had to go off and cheat. I was looking at the ground all mixed up in my thoughts until Kairi interrupted me.

Kairi: you okay?

I looked at him and slightly smiled.

Ameera: yea im okay.

I looked back down.

Kairi: well we're here.

I looked up and saw mar with someone..

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