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We walked in Rolled Up and got in line. I saw a little girl who was staring at me so i made this face

 I saw a little girl who was staring at me so i made this face

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marie laughed.

little girl: im sorry. you're iust really pretty.

Ameera: ohhh um thank you. You're pretty too.

Little Girl: whats your name?

Ameera: Ameera. What's yours?

Little Girl: Adelaide.

Ameera: nice to meet you adelaide.

Adelaide: what are you getting?

Ameera: Oreo. you?

Adelaide: Strawberry.

Ameera: sounds good

Adelaide: do you have a boyfriend?

Ameera: oh um..no.

Adelaide: i have one and i got into a fight with him.

Ameera: well what was it about?

Adelaide: i yelled at him for trying to go on another date someone else. His names damion.

i laughed and bended down to her height. which wasn't far since she was almost my height.

Adelaide have you ever had a boyfriend?

Ameera: yep.

Adelaide: what was his name?

Ameera: uh i had two.

Adelaide: you had two boyfriends at the same time?!

Ameera: no they're my exes now.

Adelaide: what was their name?

Ameera: Mariano and Mateo.

Adelaide: do you have a think for guys who names starts with a M?

Ameera: no it just happened.

Adelaide: what do they look like?

Ameera: ones really tall and one is really short. they have curly hair.

Adelaide: are they right there?

she points me behind me. She points to mar and malcom.

ameera: one of them is. The other no.

Adelaide: which one?

Ameera: uhh

i said looking behind me.

ameera: ill just introduce you to all of them. Thats marie, my bestfriend, Thats Kairi, my brother, Thats mattia, Alejandro, alvaro, roshaun, and samy, my friends. and lastly mar. my ex.

Adelaide: oh hes cute

Ameera: yea except i decided to be stupid and cheated on him.

Adelaide: dang what did you do?

Ameera: i uh how old are you?

Adelaide: 14.

Ameera: okay. i fucked my ex while we were dating and kissed him.

Adelaide: why?

Ameera: i dont know.

Adelaide: oh. Where's your other ex mateo?

Ameera: oh ha. funny story hes dead.

Adelaide: omg im sorry for your lost! how he die?

Ameera: um.. mar shot him.

Adelaide: so you were dating a murderer?

Ameera: yea but except he was just mad.

Adelaide: well look at him. i wouldn't leave him. hes hot.

I looked at him and he was talking to malcom and samy.

Ameera: yeah..

Adelaide: so y'all broke up?

Ameera: yea...except I miss him. a lot. I really regret what I did.

Adelaide: he should take you back. youre really pretty.

Ameera: but its mainly about personali-

Mar: yea shes gorgerous.

Adelaide and I look up at mar who was looking at Adelaide.

Adelaide: so youre the famous mariano?

Mar: yep.

Adelaide: you guys would be a cute couple.

I smile looking down at my feet. I could see him looking at me in the corner of eye.

I looked at him and blushed.

ameera: thank you.

Mar suddenly pulled me towards him and kissed me.

Adelaide and marie: awww

Mar holds my waist and pulls back. He looks me in the eyes and hugs me tightly. I started crying cause i missed him. so much.

Mar was hugging me so tight that i got hot. I was on my tippy toes and he dug his head into my neck.

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