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I woke up the next day with a BIGASS headache. I sat up squeezing my eyes together holding my head. The only thing i remember is me fucking- yea lets skip that part.

I remember smoking with marie then next thing I know everything went black.

ameera: damn.

i look beside me and there was mar watching me.

Ameera: hey babe.

Mar: u got a headache huh.

Ameera: yeah.

mar: yea i bet.

I laid on his chest with no shirt.

mar: what'd you and marie do last night?


Ameera: um we just got in the pool and came up here..went to sleep for a bit and went on the roof.

Mar: oh is that why the beds wet?

Ameera: yup.

i felt so bad. i was lying straight to his face.

Ameera: mar?

Mar: yea princesa?

Ameera: i love you.

Mar: ..

Mar didn't say anything back.

I looked at him. He looks looking down biting his lip.

Ameera: i love you.

Mar: ameera yk i can't say it back.

Ameera: what? why?

i said sitting up looking at him with furrowed brows.

mar: im.. not ready yet.

Ameera: what do you mean "not ready" mar

Mar: im not ready to say it. Last time i did and she cheated on me right after.

Ameera: okay but im-

i then get a flashblack about Mateo.

Ameera: okay. it's- its okay.

Mar: im sorry.

Ameera: no no stop. its okay.

i said nearly crying. Im about to break his little heart again:(

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