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- Ameera's pov
- 5:30 pm
- Wednesday

Marie, Samy, Mar, and I had left Adam's house

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Marie, Samy, Mar, and I had left Adam's house. Jaiden and Tavion went home. I felt kinda bad cheating on mar after what just happened. So I was gonna tell him cause this shit has to stop.

Mar and I were watching tv in my room.
I was gonna sit up and tell him but he sat up first.

mar: i have some weird shit to tell you.

Ameera: okay?

Mar: i have to go stay with my dad's brother. I found a letter from my dad but it was written a long time ago. It was some shit like "I decided to write this before i pass. i know you will find it somehow. If i ever die go live with your uncle. You never met him but he was apart of the gang before he dropped out. He knes you as a baby but i took you away from him..Stay with him..its for your safety. Last thing i need is for you to get hurt by the prophets." and he sent me the location. Also samy and adam are also coming with me.

Ameera: well you can stay with your uncle thats fine. I'll still get to see you right?

Mar: he's in los Angeles.

ameera: what?!

i sat up looking at him about to cry.

meera: when did you find the letter?

Mar: yesterday.

Meera: when do you have to leave?

Mar: tomorrow.

Meera: do you guys even have plane tickets??

Mar: yeah..i packed and everything. we just have to tell everyone.

Meera: is that why you been being so quiet? when were you gonna tell me?

authors note
this book is so trash-
and confusing

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