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Marie and I get into thr car waiting for Samy and Mar who were still inside.

Ameera: ughhh marie in so scared.
Marie: we're in this together Ameera. calm down.

Ameera: i can't be calm knwoing they aren't safe. They could get killed right here and now. What about kairi, mattia, Alvaro, ale and roshaun? Marie you and those boys are the only people i have in my life. I need to call Kairi. He could be dead rn.

I grab my phone from my pcoket and press his contact.

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Kairi: hello?
Ameera: kai? where are you?

Kairi: We're all at mattia's now..why? you okay?
Ameera: yea..im fine. im just checking on you.

Kairi: oh ok. where are you guys?

I look at Marie and mouth "do i tell him" and she shrugs.

kairi: hello?
ameera: uh..yea. um were at Adam's house.

Kairi: a-adam? what adam?
ameera: samy's dad.

Kairi: what? are you serious? why are yall at his dad's house wtf? im coming over there.
Ameera: nonono Kairi stop. We're fine. stay at mattia's.

Kairi: ameera I swear.
Ameera: stop Kairi. im fine. we're all fine.

Kairi sighs.

Kairi: just..be safe. please. did samy and mar tell you about the gang?
Ameera: yea.

Ameera: hello?

Kairi: is that why you called to check on me?
ameera: yea..

Kairi: you're scared arent you?
Ameera: yea..

Kairi: everything's gonna be okay Ameera. i promise.
Ameera: heard that already but okay.

i then see mar and samy coming.

Ameera: oh. gotta go kai. love you bye.

Kairi: love you too.

I quickly hang up and turn off my phone.

Marie: everything okay?

Ameera: yep.

Marie: okay.

Mar and Samy both opsn the doors and sit in. There was nothing but slience. I guess they knew we were mad.

Samy: so where we headed now..?

Marie and I didnt answer.

Mar: ameera?

I look at him.

mar: look I know i said we were safe but..
Ameera: no mar. i can't risk it.

Samy: there's nothing we can do.

Marie scoffs.

Mar: i was trying to make you feel better meera.

Ameera: okay.

Mar: ameera.

Ameera: what mar.

Mar: im sorry. i was trying to make you feel better.

Ameera: okay. samy drive us home.

samy: ok

i didnt read this over btw do srry for the mistakes

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