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I walked out the room into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

ameera: i dont feel like showering.

i whispered to myself. i kept on my white tee and shorts.

i walked out the bathroom and into the kitchen. The boys (except samy and marie) were talking and making cereal.

Ameera: hey guys.

it all got quiet.

mattia: hello

Ameera: what happened. why'd it get quiet.

Kairi: nothing.

I walked to the cabinet to get cinnamon toast crunch and milk. I got a bowl and poured me ctc and milk. The boys went back to their lil convos while i just ate and watched.

alvaro: nah i think she was born with it.

ameera: who?

Mattia: cynthia.

Ameera: whos that

Mattia: some girl i hu with.

Ameera: what happened to charli?

Mattia: oh that was a one night stand.

he says winking.

Ameera: oh. what was cynthia born with?

Alvaro: sucking dick

I spit out my cereal and they all laugh.

Suddenly mar comes down and hugs me from behind.

Alvaro: i wasnt gone say nun but mar you went off with that hickey.

I sat my cereal down not listening to alvaro and turned to hug him.

Mar: what hickey?

I kissed mars neck then remembered. Mateo gave me a hickey. I quickly turned around and looked at Alvaro.

Samy and Marie comes down and sit at the island. I looked at Marie and gave her a look. She gave me a confused look and i tried to signal her about the hickey but she was still confused. I looked away back to mar who has his brows furrowed.

samy: whats good.

Kairi: bro im still tir-

Mar: nah kairi wait. Alvaro what hickey?

I turn around to mar.

Ameera: he was joking babe

Alvaro: the hickey on her neck dumbass

Mar looks at me and aggressively turns my head.

Mar: what-

Ameera: babe-

Mar: who did that..?

Ameera: its fake.

mar tried to rub the hickey.

Mar: whatchu lying for? who did that??

everyone was just watching.

mattia: oop

ameera: nobody babe i promise

Mar: so u just gone lie to my face? I advise you to just tell me before things get aggressive.

Ameera: Mateo ..

Mar: what?

Samy: oh shit

Ameera: mateo. I promise it was a accident

Mar: how the fuck he accidentally give u a hickey meera.

Ameera: babe stop. it was just friendly thing

Samy: what else did yall do huh

Marie: samy wtf

Samy: he can check the cam

ameera: what?! i thought it wasnt a cam in my room?!

mar: ameera i fucking stg

Ameera: im sorry.

Mar: what?

Ameera: he fucked me. but it wasn't a big deal because i pulled away!

Kairi: ameera wtf

Mar: wha- tell me this is joke ameera.

Ameera: babe-

i grab his face but he pushes me to the floor.

Mar: watch me fucking blow his ass.

Mar walks out the house slamming the door. Marie quickly comes to me and pick me up.

samy: shit is fucked up.

samy walked out the house.

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