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i turned the test around slowly..it said negative.

I gasped and turned around to mar. I jumped in his arms and he held me.

Mar: oh thank god.

Ameera: you didn't wanna have a baby with me?

i said looking at him sad.

Mar: no I wanted to have a baby with you but i didn't want it growing up around gang shit.

Ameera: oh i didnt either.

I smiled and so did he.

mar: so if you arent pregnant then why'd you get symptoms?

ameera: pregnancy scare ig

mar kissed me and walked me in the room still holding me. He slammed me on the bed and laid his head on my chest.

I played with his hair and he fell asleep on my chest. I looked at him and laughed.

ameera: mar

he didn't answer.

Someone bursted in the door. I quickly looked and mar turned his head around looking at the door. He turned so fast his hair bounced after.

I saw it was the boys and marie.

Alvaro: it was too quiet I thought y'all died.

Alejandro: mar did you make her scream the other day

Kairi: son of a bitch got her pregnant

Roshaun: yup. lets kill him.

Everyone started running to mar and they made him fall off me. They playfully jumped him on the floor while marie came over and hugged me.

Marie: you need to tell me everything cause i know there was some shit that went on.

i smiled with no teeth and nodded.

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