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We were on our way to mar's papas house. I was kinda scared because they were making it seem like he's the second devil.

Mar: lets go.

Mar said as he pulled up to his house. We all got out the car and walked up the stairs to his porch.

Marie: im not feeling to good about this.

marie whispered to me.

Ameera: im not either. today's gonna be a long ass day.

We got to the top of the stairs and mar unlocked the door. Marie and I slowly walked in while the boys were already halfway inside.


that shit was attractive.
I speedwalked to mars side and he put his hand in my back pocket gripping my ass.

Mar: PA?
Mars dad: hello?

A man looks over the rail of the stairs.

Mars dad: ay mar you here. who are these young ladies?

Mar: ellos son mis amigos. pero este es mi favorito (they're my friends. but this one is my favorite.)

Mar says nodding his head at me. I kinda knew what he said. Kairi and I have been around the boys so we kinda picked up on it.

mar's dad: ella habla español? ¿Ella es tu novia? (does she speak Spanish? is she your girlfriend?)

mar: no es muy fluida pero sabe un poco ... y todavía no es mi novia. Nos follamos antes. (she's not really fluent but she knows a little...and she's not my girlfriend yet. we fucked before tho)

They were just having their convo while samy and i were trying to pick up. Marie was hispanic so she knew exactly what they were saying.

Mar's dad didnt really look mean as samy and mar said he was. He looked really nice.

Mar's dad came downstairs towards me.

mar's dad: nice to meet you..?
Ameera: Ameera.

i smiled.

Mar's dad: nice to meet you ameera. im mar's dad. Call me Santiago.

Ameera: nice to meet you Santiago.

Santiago: so why did you all come here?

Marie and Samy step up on the side of us.

Samy: they wanted to meet you.
Santiago: cuál es tu nombre (whats your name)

Santiago asked Marie.

Marie: Marie. un placer conocerte santiago.
(marie. nice to meet you santiago.)

Santiago: entonces debes estar saliendo con Samy? (so you must be dating samy?)

Marie: si (yes)

Santiago: samy? Mar? you took care of it i assume? if you didnt get the hell outta my face and get it done.

Marie and I look at Santiago in shock.
He got so mean so fast.

Marie looked at me with her eyes wide and watery.

I pat her back while the boys step in front of us talking to Santiago.

Santiago: uh.. ladies? you can go in the kitchen for some food while the boys and i have a talk.

Santiago stares at us while the boys tell us to go in the kitchen with their eyes.

Marie: ok
Ameera: sure.

Marie and I walk to the kitchen down the hall.
Marie makes a low screeching fear noise.

Marie: I dont like this at fucking all ameera. how are you so calm? youre the innocent one.
Ameera: you guys need to stop calling me that. im not innocent im just ...quiet.

Marie: mm..

Marie looks in the fridge.

Marie: how are we gonna get out of this.
Ameera: get out of what?

marie: this. This gang shit. it could get way worse ameera.
Ameera: we'll be okay. Samy and Mar will take care of it.

Marie: samy's been acting weird lately..has mar been acting weird?
Ameera: well he's been kinda distant.

Marie: you think its got sum to do with their dads?
Ameera: I dont know. it could be.

lmfao my notis are gone now that my other books gone😂

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