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I wake up to the noise of boys yelling in the other room. I look beside me and mar wasn't there. Marie was there sleeping instead.
I check my phone from my night stand and it was 2 in the morning.
I sigh and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes widen.

Ameera: jesus.

I go to the toilet and use the bathroom. I flush the toilet and walk to the sink turning it on. I wash my hands and dry them off. After i walk out the bathroom and see kairi's room light was on. I peek inside and see the boys play his ps4. Kairi and i make eye contact but I quickly take my head out.

Kairi: ayo meera.

I say under my breathe "shit"
It got quiet in his room.
I poked my head back in smiling and everyone's eyes were on me.

Mattia: ayo how was his kids?

I quickly look at mattia and the boys laugh except for mar.

Ameera: w-what?
kairi: was it salty?

Ameera: wtf are u talking about?
Kairi: you gagging on mar's dick.

I quickly make this face 😳 and bit my lip in guilt.

Ameera: look Kairi im sorry. I just-
Kairi: im not mad ameera. Im just glad it wasn't with someone i didnt know. I'd rather have you fuck one of my friends then fuck someone else.
Ameera: thanks Kai.

I send a warm smile to him and Mar.
I walk out his room and walk downstairs in the kitchen. I go to the cabinet to get a cup but..it was too high.

Ameera: my fuckin god.

I climbed on the counter and grabbed a cup. Next thing I know I fell backwards but someone caught me.

Mariano: woah
Ameera: omg

Mariano puts me down and i turn around smiling.

Mariano: Hey.
Ameera: Hey mar. you following me?

Mariano: maybe.

Mar leans in for a kiss while i sit the cup down on the counter beside me. Mariano breaks the kiss and whispers in my ear.

Mariano: jump.

I do as he says and he sits me on the counter kissing me again. I wrap my legs around his waist and he grabs my ass.
He starts to take off my shirt but I stop him by holding his hands down.

Ameera: mar.
Mariano: yea?

I chuckle and peck him on the lips.

Ameera: not now.

He smiles and takes me off the counter.

Ameera: goodnight mar.
mariano: goodnight mamas.

I walk out the kitchen going upstairs to my room. I close my door and lay in bed turning the tv off replaying what just happened in my head.

Author's Thoughts

cute. goodnight✌🏽❤

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