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- Mar's pov
- 8:27
- Friday

meera has been sleep for while now. almost a day.. im worried. I wanna wake her up so bad but i don't wanna make her mad. She's been out and hasn't woke up since she shot Nova.

While Meera has been sleep, the boys, marie, and i have been just chilling. Not gonna lie its gonna boring w/o ameera. That probably sounds wrong cause all we do is cheat but i love her. I love having her in my arms and i just- I don't know.

Others might say "i can't fw no cheater. after they cheat im gone." but I stay. I know we're toxic but ameera really means a lot to me. I know i cheated but i regret every single second of it.

1:38 am , saturday

I decided to go to sleep but she was still sleep. I was kinda thinking maybe she's sick or mad at me.

I laid in the bed with her and wrapped her in my arms. She didn't move. I had to drag her from her spot to cuddle me.

Its been about 10 mintues and she still hasn't cuddled me back. I got impatient. I decided to wake her up this time.

I shook her and waited for her to raise up.

mar: meera

no answer. i shook her again and no answer.

I groaned and laid down facing her face. Her eyes were closed and she had strands of hair covering some parts of her.

mar: meera wake up im boredd

i dragged out the d in "bored". i shook her again. no answer.

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