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I woke up at 5:09 pm. Mar was beside me with his arm over me. I pushed his arm off and sat up.

I started shaking mar to get up cause it was really late.

ameera: mar

mar: hm

He answered but he didnt open his eyes.

ameera: we need to get up

he didn't answer.

ameera: babe

He didnt answer again.

I sat on his lap and laid on him. He was still sleep. I sat up and starting playing with his hair.

I got bored and laid back on him.

Ameera: babeee wake uppp.

I saw his phone beside him and grabbed it.

I turned it on and unlocked it cause i already knew his password. I didn't check his phone caused i trusted him. Instead i spammed his camera roll.

Suddenly he got a call. From Santiago. I answered it.

ameera: hello?

Santiago: mar- why do you sound like a girl?

ameera: oh this is ameera.

santiago: where is mar

ameera: hes sleeping. im trying to wake him but he won't get up

Santiago: put me on speaker phone.

i did as he said.

Santiago: mariano castano levanta tu trasero.
(mariano castano get your ass up)

Mar woke up just like that.

Mar: sir?

Santiago: mataste a mateo?
(did you kill mateo?)

i heard him say Mateo's name. i furrowed my brows.

Mar: yes

mar looked at me and sat up holding me.

santiago: te acuerdas de samantha
(do you remember samantha)

mar: uh yea

Santiago: mateo era el hijo de samantha.
(Mateo was samantha's son.)

mar: ¡¿esperar lo?!
(wait what?!)

Santiago: tengo que ir. te llamaré mas tarde.
(i have to go. I will call you later.)

Santiago ended the call and Mar looked at me like this 😳

man if this translation shit ain't right then fuck wattpad

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