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Meera walked downstairs as i walked in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and thought about why she was mad.

I was done brushing my teeth so i went back in the room and sat on the bed. I got out my phone and saw a unread text.

Dad. ▪
we need to go. call me. ▪

I suddenly got a call from him and panicked cause I took to long to call him.

Mar: hello?

Santiago: why didn't you call?

Mar: i was brushing my teeth dad.

Santiago: mariano we need to go. We have things to do.

Mar: right now ? i was gonna watch a movie with the boys, marie, and Ameera.

Santiago: you can do it later. This is more important. I killed one Cameron's boys. They're after me and im gonna need backup. Get samy.

Mar: shit.

Right on time Samy came upstairs.

Samy: wassup

Mar: samy my dad says we have stuff to do today. He killed one of Cameron's boys and they're after him so he needs backup.

Santiago: give the phone samy, mariano.

I gave the phone to samy and they started talking. I knew this wasnt gonna be safe. Ameera was gonna be fuck worried as hell.

lmfao i did this while my cousin had to wash dishes while on the party. now hes back so imma stop here-

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