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Alvaro and I get in the car and mattia turns down the music.

Mattia: so what that boy say to u?
Ameera: huh?
Alvaro: boy?
Mattia: way to pay attention Alvaro
Alvaro: my bad.
Alejandro: so what he say?

I was on the spot. I decided to just say he wanted to say hi

Ameera: ohhh Jabez? He wanted to ssy hi
Alejandro: why?
Mattia: you obv lyin Ameera.


Mattia: what he say?
Ameera: oh my god
Mattia: what did he say to you?
Ameera: its not that big of a deal mattia. just drive.
Alejandro: just tell us what he said.
Ameera: Why does it matter!? He's just a friend! Can i not have guy friends anymore?
Mattia: bet. tell kairi then.
Ameera: fuck you.

Mattia drags me in the kitchen by my upper arm. Everyone was watching. Fucking embarassing.

Mar goes back to looking at his phone.

Mattia: tell him. Tell him how you were being a hoe.
Ameera: excuse me?

Mar quickly looks up and Marie's eyes widen.

Kairi: don't call her that. what did she do?
Mattia: tell him.
Ameera: i was literally just making a new friend. i don't see whats the problem here.

Kairi looks at Mattia.

Kairi: whats the problem with that?
Mattia: it was a boy.

Kairi looks at me and his eyebrows raise.

Kairi: a boy?
Marie: whats wrong with her having guy friends?
Ameera: thank you Marie. these two are just being extra over stupid shit.
Mattia: what did he say to you?

i turn to mattia.

Kairi: ameera what did he say?
Ameera: why the fuck does it matter tho?
Samy: since when does she curse tho
Kairi: it matters because you're my little sister tho
Ameera: BY 32 SECONDS.
Samy: ha
Mattia: for the last time.. what did he say ameera.

Eveeyone gasps ecept for Kairi, Mar, and Mattia.
Mattia grabs my tube top nearly having my boobs pop out, pulls me closer to him and yells at me. Little did he know i liked that shit 😏


Everyone comes running to us and they pull mattia off me. (btw Josie left)

I stand there with my face like this (😲) turned around pulling my tube top up.
Marie helps me and pulls me back away from mattia
Why tf is he so mad for? Even Kairi's not that mad.

I sit in my room watching finding nemo with Marie. Then someone comes in.
It was mattia.

Mattia: hey uh..can I talk to you?
Ameera: yea..of course.

i get outta bed and go in the hallway closing my door behind me.

Mattia: look. im sorry about earlier.
Ameera: its fine. you were just looking out for me. i get it.
Mattia: i dont know why i reacted that badly.. Im especially sorry for what i did...yk almost flashing everyone.
Ameera: you're fine.
Mattia: but..can you tell me what he said..please?

I sigh.

Ameera: he just said i was cute and he asked for my number and i gave it to him.
Mattia: of course.
Ameera: huh?
Mattia: the reason i reacted so badly was because..i know him. he slept with my ex.
Ameera: oh mattia...you could've told me.
Mattia: i know. im sorry.

I give mattia a hug and he hugs me back.

Ameera: i won't talk to him again if you want.
Mattia: no its if you want. it's up to you. i can't control on who you talk to.
Ameera: ill just stop talking to him it's okay.
Mattia: i know mar has a girlfriend but i shipped you with him more.
Ameera: yea..ha.
Mattia: anyways..ill talk to you tomorrow alright?
Ameera: yea. night.

i go back in my room.

Marie: everything good with you two?

Ameera: yep.. Hey tell me what happened at jumping world.
Marie: well samy kissed me. Mar was kinda third wheeling. He wasn't talking much. Like he was mad or sad. Maybe because you didn't kiss him.

Ameera: oh my god marie.
Marie: what? im just saying. He doesn't even seem happy with Josie.
Ameera: im thinking about it.


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