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my ex: is that you meera?

This is Mateo. Funny story..i used to live in jersey 1st through 8th grade. Mateo asked me out in sixth grade and and broke up in 9th grade cause i moved. 3 years of love. He was my first boyfriend ever and treated me like a princess.

marie: mateo?

ameera: MATEO

i jumped into his arms, put my head in his neck and he spun me around. We had almost eveyone looking.

mateo: happy birthday Consentino.

I lifted my head and looked at him.

Ameera: you remembered!!
Mateo: of course i did. I never forgot about you meera. you were my first love.

He put me down and hugged me.

mateo: Hey marie.

Marie: Hi cookie stealer.

This one day Marie, Mateo, and I were at lucnh sitting together. Marie and Mateo didn't really get along. He took her cookies and she cried and make him get in trouble.

Mateo: are you still onto that one day crybaby?
Marie: why wouldn't i be asshole.

Mateo: because it was six years ago maybe?
Marie: shut the hell up mateo.

Mateo: bitch.
Marie: excuse me?

Marie steps closer to Mateo.

He puts his hands up in defense.

Ameera: can you guys not..?

I push marie away from mateo.

Mateo: anyways..you didn't tell me you were back in jersey.
Ameera: i know. I've been stressed lately.

Mateo: on what?
Ameera: just stuff.

Mateo: oh. okay. well put my number in your phone.

Ameera: yea what is it?

Mateo: 201-262-8392.

I put the number in and smile.

Ameera: ill text you tonight bub.


Mateo: alright.

I lean in for a hug and he hugs back. I can't believe I just met my first boyfriend after 6 years. Our hug was something powerful. He wasn't only my first boyfriend..but he was my 1st 2nd bestfriend.

I pull away and nearly cried as he walked away.

Marie: you okay?
Ameera: I just..i missed him so much. I literally thought about him everyday and what he was doing..and here i am. watching him leave.

Marie bursts out laughing.

Ameera: what?
Marie: you're so emotional. i love you meera.

Marie wraps her arms around me and we start walking.

Ameera: what time is it?

Marie grabs her phone from her back pocket and turns it on. I look at it and sees she has "97 missed notifications from Mar🐍."

Marie: shit uh..

She takes her arm off me and backs away from me looking at her phone.

Ameera: why's he texting you so much?


Ameera: can i check your phone?

I reach for her phone but she yells:

Marie: NO!
Ameera: marie stop yelling wtf.

Marie: hes just asking me something.

She looks back at her phone. She started typing.

tf is going on rn. If I find out shes messing w him ifstg.

Ameera: he's asking you 97 questions?
Marie: ..

Ameera: let me see your phone marie before i act the fuck up.

I reach for her phone but she backs away and i miss.

Ameera: wtf marie?

Marie: ameera im so sorry but you can't.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Ameera: bye marie.

I walked past her and ran out of macys. I ran out of the mall with watering eyes. I could barely see anything. I heard marie calling for me but ignored her. I then hear a familar voice. i turned around to see who it was and it was mateo with some other girl. He was facing me looking confused.

Mateo: meera?

Ameera: ..?

I run to him in his arms and he hugs me.

Mateo: whats wrong? why are you crying?

i didn't answer. I was kinda heartbroken. Why was there 97 messages from fucking mar ? this shit is messed up. Mateo continued to hug me. I knew he'd always be there for me..

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