Chapter 53

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3 tahun berlalu dengan sangat pantas. Pejam celik pejam celik Redna sudah menamatkan pengajiannya di universiti terkemuka London itu. Dia kini menggenggam segulung ijazah kedoktoran.

Lamunan Redna terhenti tatkala mendengar pintu pejabat yg didudukinya itu dikuak. Professor yg ingin bertemu dengannya akhirnya tiba.

Professor: Oh, hi Redna. Sorry for making you wait.

Redna: It's okay sir. Plus, I just got here.

Professor: Urm, so. Firstly, congratulations for graduating with honors, Redna. I am really proud of you.

Redna: Thank you sir. But, I never gonna make it if it's not by your guidance. So, I wanna thanks you so much, sir.

Professor: Well, haha it is not a big deal, Redna. It is my duty as an educator to try my best to help my students. By the way, I am calling you here today regarding your posting as medical officer. As you know, you aren't gonna achieve the title ' Dr. ' right after you graduated right,?

Redna: Yes, sir. I am completely aware of that. I did receive an offer from the Hospital of London for my posting.

Professor: Wow, that is really impressive but.

Redna: Pardon, sir?

Professor: Like this it is gonna take around 4 to 5 years for you to receive the title 'Dr.' if you choose to accept the offer at the Hospital of London or any hospital in United Kingdom.

Redna: Ouh. Then what's the matter, sir? I don't see any problem here?

Professor: It is hard for you to get the title since you aren't the citizens here. They prioritize the native citizens first. and there's too many competitors here so it may takes even more than 5 years for you to get the title.

Redna: Urm sir, I honestly have no problem with that. I mean, it is not too long for me, I guess?

Professor: I know, for you it's just a period of time right? But you have so many potential to go even further, Redna. 5 years, 7 years is too long for the title. It is not fair for you. So, what if you try your luck at South Korea?

Redna: South Korea? Urm.... Why that country sir?

Mendengarkan nama negara asalnya itu disebut oleh Professor membuatkan hatinya berdegup kencang. Kota di mana episod tragisnya bermula. Tak mungkin dia ingin menjejakkan kembali kakinya di sana.

Professor: To graduate from this university will give you so much advantage in Korea. You'll get the title in just maybe 1 and a half year of being medical officer. Easier to say, once you done posting you'll directly be a certified doctor there. Plus, you're still the native citizen there.

Redna: But sir, I don't think of going there.

Professor: I am just suggesting, Redna. The choice is in your hands. It's about your future. You have a brighter future there. But if you still want to posting here, and wait longer it's also fine. It is your decision to make.

Perbualannya bersama dengan professornya tidak henti henti berpusing di kepalanya. Dia bingung dengan keputusan yg harus dilakukan. Benar kata professornya, bukan mudah untuk menjadi seorang doctor di sini. Dia harus berusaha lebih keras. Tetapi di Korea, peluangnya lebih mudah.

Redna: But, what if...

Namjoon: What if what? Are you scared that you akan terjumpa your ex husband?

Suara Namjoon yg datang menyapa membuatkan Redna mengalihkan pandangannya perlahan. Dia menyambut huluran mug yg berisi coklat panas itu dari Namjoon. Dia menghela nafas panjang.

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