19-03-30. Nhân tố Enzyme

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Nhân tố enzyme

Last week, I came back to Hanoi one day earlier than planned, only to grab some books I had found in a book exchange group on FB. Most of the time, these groups' posts often flood my newsfeed with spams and scams. However, I've got some luck this time. It was a girl going abroad and had to hold a flash sale. In the end, I got these 3 like-new books at a price of only 90k - half the usual discounted price.

Anyway, after all the hypes around this series, I think I've expected too much. The first volume by no means comes up to my expectations. It wasn't even persuasive. Anyway, the core values remain acceptable.

I remember my family's diet 10 years ago. It was quite healthy and proved to be suitalbe with my health!

Cuối tuần trước, mình bò sang HN sớm một ngày. Ý nghĩa của việc nằm vùng trong các group mua bán, trao đổi sách cũ chính là nằm ở đây chứ đâu, chính là phần lớn thời gian newsfeed sẽ bị flooded bởi các tin bán sách giá rẻ.


Hà Nội nhớ em biết chừng nào!Mỗi lần ngước mắt lên thấy cây ukulele đều fhế.Chắc sẽ chẳng bao giờ bỏ được.

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