Chapter 8

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Jisoo's POV

" Ok let's settled, we reserved a spot here , let's go upstairs ! " I said giving Lisa a smile.

We settled and started ordering food. When Sana speak : " Chu, should we order food for Chaeng and Jendeuk ? "

" Ohhh right ! Let me call her " I said and stand up living them for a while.

- Dialing Jennie's number

" Hey Chu, not gonna make it right now,  Grandma's sick, I need to help Mom pack her things tonight, she's living for Jeju tom. Sorry Chu, regards me to your cousin, ooohhh and Chaeng' s being OA again. She wants to accompany me home. " She said apologetically.

" Nahhh it's Okay, take care ! Some other time. Jen " I said , disappointed.

" OK OK, gotta go now, enjoy ! " She said and hanged up

" Yeah, how could I " sigh....

I went back upstairs and told everyone.

It's Already 11:00 PM when we decided to call it a night. We didn't drink that much , we're all sober when we bid goodbye. I noticed how Lisa enjoyed the night with my friends, I actually told them about Lisa before we came here. And they really are the best ! .... I'm driving (as always) and Lisa  looked at my direction, not saying anything.....

" Hey, creeper what is it. " I started.

" Nothing.... I'm just, uhmmm.. Thank you ! " And she looked outside the window, and continue.......

" I've missed having someone to talk to...
someone who tells me about their day ..... "

Never taking my eyes off the road... I listen to her..... With both my heart and ear. She's Happy and I'm glad.

" They are beautiful and funny andd amazing aannnndd uhmm sexy ! Andddd they seem like a good friends, I wish I have them too " She said, I noticed a hint of jealousy in her voice.

" I introduced you to them to be your friends too idiot ! " I said giggling

" But what if they dont like me ? What if they are being forced because I'm your cousin??? " She worriedly said.

" Pabo ! What do you think of them ? Kids ? Ohhhhh we're here ! " I said. We're staying at my place tonight .

I grab a can of beer for both of us,

" Soooo, Who's this girl ? " I stated .

" I don't know ...." She said dejectedly

" Waaaaaaaaatttttttt ?! " I asked in disbelief.

" Lis, your not hallucinating aren't you" I carefully asked.

" Maybe, I don't know, she seemed real tho,
Remember that day you ditch me ? I met her on the subway Chu, I talked to her, I bought her a Chocolate smoothy  with a muffin at the starbucks, she laugh at my jokes, She nods on my opinion ..... She smiled at me Chu....... she did. " Lisa said without looking at me.

" Hey, what's her name then " I asked again, worried.

" I don't know, I ..... "

" Lis.......... "

" No Jisoo , I'm not crazy ! , do you think I'm crazy ??? " She yelled ..

" Lis , look.... I didn't mean it like that you know, " I said trying to calm her down.

I was about to hold her shoulder when she broke down in tears. Fuck not again !

I squat down and hugged her.

" I need to see her Chu, please ...... maybe she can help me, maybe she can heal this fucking heart !! " She said sobbing

It broke my heart seeing her like this. My idiotic little cousin , my partner's in crime. That cheerful face and that annoying
" Ehee " thing she did to ruin my day.I missed you Lisa. I would do everthing for you. I will search the whole universe to find cure to that broken heart of yours. I will find that girl for you, even if I have to turn this world upside down, I will buddy, I will.

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