Chapter 53

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After 3 Months...

Jennie's POV

Chaeng is awake but she's very weak. Jisoo came in everyday to visit her. I always visit her with Leo too..  Lisa is helping me with Leo now....

No words or agreement needed between us. She brought a unit beside me, so when I'm with Chaeng. She took Leo with her.

I was sitting on the Chair While holding Hubby's hand..

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

" I love you ......" I said and kissed her forehead.

" I need .....  to ..... see...... Lisa.." she weakly whispered

" Why?????... You need to be strong to kill her hubby... " I teased.. Trying my best to smile.

" I...... love....... you...... always...... Wi.....fey...." I couldn't stop my tears anymore. I cried holding her hands.

" You promised !!!! You promised right??? Hubby..... I can't leave without you...please hang in there!... "

She just smile at me... That smile that brings hope and happiness into my life.

" pleaaasee ......hubby promise me again...... ! You won't leave right????" I pleaded, crying infront of her.

" I can't..... make....." She weakly responded.

" Noooooo..... we'll get you a heart donor Hubby..... Jisoo is searching for every possible donor for you.... "

" Shhhh.... you....don'"

" No! I will do everything for you.... *sob* I can't lose * sob* you... " I'm crying so hard.

" He--y... Wi-fey..... don't cry... I hate... seeing you cry.... " She said, reaching for my cheeks..

I hold her hand and put it on my cheeks.

" Why didn't you noticed it early ???! Why is it too late now??... "

" He he .. maybe.. I'm just so be... with...everyone. ... " she's still smiling.

Jisoo then arrived with fruits and foods

Jisoo: " How are you feeling Chaeng?"

Chaeng: " Great... since..both..of are here... "

Jisoo: " stop flirting and recover fast !"

Chaeng: " I... Love.... You..both..."

Jisoo can't stop her self anymore, she broke down infront of me and Chaeng.

I let go of Hubby's hand and hugged Jisoo.

Jisoo: " Don't you dare die Chipmunk! "

Chaeng: " Come... here... you... Two... "

We hugged her and she smiled.. How can you smile like this.


Rose's POV

I have this weird feeling that.... I might leave them.

It scares me to death but, I have no choice....

We can't fight fate after all........

I am looking at this two important person in my life..........

I need to see Lisa............

I have a lot of things to say to her............

I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't noticed the girls are infront of me..

Nayeon Eonni...... My funny, noisy and very reliable Eonni.

Momo Eonni...... Our amazing dancer, we won a lot of dance contest in the company because of her and Lisa's choreography. My funny , amazing and food buddy Eonni

Sana Eonni....... Our always smiling and laughing Eonni, she's kinda sensitive inside but always made us happy.

Mina-riing..... Our smart ass Mina, our always calm and composed Mina. She's always quiet but always caring and affectionate.

NaMoSaMi : " Stop staring at us like that !"

" I wassss... see you all again...."

Sana: " Hang in there Chaeng... !"

Momi: " Chaeng-ahh well find a donor for you soon ok.?"

Mina: " *sob* Be strong for*sob* us Chaeng...."

We talked as usual, well mostly them. They didn't make me feel like I'm sick or anything...

They are all laughing and throwing Jokes and insulting each other like we always do.

They looked so happy.......

I can't bare to see them all in pain because of me...

I need to fight..............

I am but if its really time for me to go..............

"Lord, just please make them happy again even without me...

Let me take with me all the pain and suffering they might face on their lives...

Let me have it all and let them live a happy life........

Please let me look after them from where ever you are taking me......

Let me watch them until everyone find their destiny........

That's all I am asking for.........

I'm not asking for another life anymore.......

Just let my loved ones be happy"

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