Chapter 38

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Lisa's POV

I don't know whats wrong with me that time , I'm being mean to her... When I heard about her leaving me.... I suddenly felt fear and pain. I can't lose her.

I did everything to make it up to her. I decided to bring her somewhere every week, like dinner date, accompanying her to every doctor appointments she has or buy Anything she wants.

I love her and I can't leave without her.

She is now on her 7th month, the baby is due on January 3, Jisoo's Birthday. Speaking of that Jerk, I missed her. She would probably kill me if she finds out about what happen to me and Jennie. The past two months has been exhausting for me, work and Jennie's demands...

But its my Job so yeah.......


" Lissa.......... Lili.... wake up...heyyy... " I felt her tapping my shoulder.ohhh ! Not again........

" Liss..... *sob* pleaase... don't *sob* do this to*sob* me.... " I sigh, forcing my tired body to stand caused here we are agian......

She'll cry like this when She didn't get what she wants. She's being so emotional and moody lately. I hugged her and asked what's wrong though I knew.

" The baby.... She wants * sob* Kimchi fried rice with *sob*cheeesee *sob* I'm sorry li- *sob* Lisa.... "

" Aigoooo~ .. Baby...... Why are you making mommy cry?... You want kimchi fried rice?? Dada will cook for you ok?" I said caressing her bulging stomach.

" Ahhh.... " She hissed and put her hands on her belly

" What's wrong ??? Nini.... ? I worriedly asked.

" Shhhh... The baby moved ahh... It hurts a little..hmmmm..." She said still hissing.

" Baby..... stop kicking mommy, Dada will cook now ok?? " I looked at her and She nods.

After cooking I went back to our bedroom with her requested food ( We had Kimchi at home since I know its her favorite)

I found her sleeping cutely with her mouth slightly open, She's holding her tummy. I sigh, looking at my cooking... I was kind of annoyed sometimes but I tried to understand. I put the food on my mini fridge and sleep beside her.

After 3 freaking Hours,.......

My alarm rang.......


I am now at my office, the company is facing a crisis since Dad left. Some of his business partners stabbed him on the back. They want the company. I am not business major and I had no Idea about the company at first but Bam and my Dad's loyal secretary helped me a lot and of course Jisoo. Though I learned a lot. It's not easy when the shareholders back out.

We just finished an emergency meeting, One of our Major stock holder here in Thailand Branch, back out. He didn't trust me , which earned a big loss for the company, our biggest loss.

I don't know what to do, Thankfully Bam and US branch are still stable,  He really knew what to do. I need to find a new investor. I asked My Secretar Sorn to search for a possible investor and I found out about this Company.

Her Family's Company.............

Am  I ready to face you?.............

Its been what ? 6 years?............

Do I really need to do this ?...............

Why am I suddenly felt nervous from the thought of probably seeing you again??.......

I have Nini and our upcoming baby., I'm just curious maybe not nervous ! Lisa !!! You should get yourself together ! she maybe have a boyfriend now, Or better yet a family, kids.... Just like you duhh...

But what if she's still single?.............

Impossible ! ...........

" Ma'am , should I arranged a meeting with Chou's Company ? " Sorn asked, tapping my table.

" Ahh.... ? Ahh ! Ohhh yes yes... Arrange it as soon as possible...... " Sigh, I need their company's help.

" Yes Ma'am..... "  She nodded and left.

I should go home my Nini is  waiting.......

Its 6:30 PM in the evening , I'm currently driving home when Nini calls.....

" Hello...... uhmmm love.... "  That tone.... What is it this time, sigh.

" Yes, love? "

" I missed you..... When are you going home? "  She definitely needs something

" I'm on my way, why?....... " I calmly asked

" Lili..... I want, nooo, noooo ! Baby wants donuts ! ...... " Sigh, I knew it.

" ohh.. Is that it? I'll buy you two a donuts then, wait for me ok? ...... Ok ok love you.... Bye.."

I hung up the phone and decided to go to the nearest Mall to look for a donut house or something......

After I bought a dozen of different flavors, I scroll a little trying to search for a gift to her since it's almost Christmas. She's not fond of expensive designer bags or shoes. She's simple. like really simple. She likes to wear dresses, yes !  A dress... But she's not on her size lately cause she's pregnant nah.. She'll get mad. Sigh, maybe next time.

I was about to leave when a jewelry Shop caught my attention. I hurriedly went there. And I saw a ring. A simple yet elegant looking ring.  I can't take my eyes off of that ring.

" Ma'am? ..... " A sales lady approached me.

" I'll get this one.... " I told her pointing at the ring.

" For you....? " She asked.

" No, for my ... Future wife " Yeah I knew it.Jennie's the one I want.

" A proposal ring I see.... We have that in pair. ...." she said with a smile

" Really...... May I see" I excitedly said

" Yes Ma'am, come with me,..... This is our couple rings.. " She said, pointing at the rings.

They are all beutiful but that pair took my attention, It doest have a big diamond on it its a simple round ring with a couple of small diamonds around it.

" I'll take this........"

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