Chapter 10

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Third Person's POV

It's been a month since Lisa and Jennie's encounter. Jisoo failed to help Lisa on finding Jennie because of the preparation for their biggest project, Yessss they got that project and Jisoo's team are beyond happy. They are so busy preparing and planning about everything.

Lisa on the other hand, was busy searching and making sketch of Jennie. She draw Jennie's laughing face, she finished it in 2 weeks. A portrait of Jennie. It's the fastest portrait she ever did so far. Understanding Jisoo's situation and being a supportive sister she is. She busied herself creating image of Jennie, with a lot of failed attempts, she finally finished one. She looked at it and smile.

" I'll find you, my beautiful stranger " Lisa said.


It's been 5 months since that fateful day. Jisoo and Lisa kept in touch of course, talking once in a while. Lisa was still waiting for Jennie at the subway. It was December evening when she saw a couple walking hand in hand that reminds her of that day when she walked beside Jennie.

Lisa's POV

Strange, the first thing that comes to mind is her, not my ex. Couples usually reminds me of my ex, but this time its her. Its been 5 freaking months !! You made me crazy, I really don't miss you that much, its just that... I want to see you, I want to talk you, I want to hear your laugh. I don't know why, but I want you in my life.

I went home, surprised to see Jisoo there, sitting on my couch, watching netfix ! This bitch ! It's been so long !

" Yaaaaahhhhh ! Why didn't you even ask for the owner's approval before you enter! , and that's my food ! My couch my TV ! "

She throws a piece of chips to me,  youuuu jerk !

I sat down beside her on the couch.

" Hey, are you done with that project? "

" Yeaahhhh, and guess what??? ........ "

I stayed silent.

" Yahhhhhhh ! Guess what !? "


" Limario !!!!!! " she yelled, that's it HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHA

" Whutt ?" I finally asked.

" It was a success buddy ! We made it ! We're now moved to a better office ! It's huge ! We have our own pantry " She exclaimed. She's happy and I'm glad.

" Ohhhhhh congrats then !  when's the celebration?" I asked, she didn't answer.

" Heeey ! "

" Secret ! Hahahahahah " weirdo !

" yaaahhh you promised to help me find her "

" you're still in to her"

" I'm serious about her Jisoo "


" Hey, do think  I'm crazy..." I calmly asked

" No "

" then....... "

" Christmas is coming, what do want as your gift ! " she changed the subject.

" Her "

" Ok "

" I'm serious Jisoo ~~~ " I whined

" Hahahahahaha , hey let's sleep ! , I'm sleeping here tonight. "

" says who? "

" says me "

I jumped on her and we do a wresting battle until we both collapse on the floor while laughing hysterically. Like the good old days.She's my sister, my partner's in crime, my 4D Eonni. I love her.I would do everthing for her. I will search the whole universe to find her happiness for her.I will Eonni, I will.

I looked at her direction

" How lucky I am to have you"

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