Chapter 45

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Jennie's POV

I don't understand what happened earlier... Its too fast!.

I'm here outside Lisa's House with my language. Jisoo was there carrying everything on the car .

" Jen... get in the car... " Jisoo said, motioning me to the car.

I don't know, I just went in and She followed.Sitting beside me, holding my hand.

" It's OK Jen, I'm here.... Chaeng and the squad is waiting for you.... "

I didn't answer caused I don't really understand what's happening.

" Let's go to the Airport Sir."  Jisoo said.

I didn't notice that we are now on the Airport. We kinda had a little problem since I was 8 months pregnant. But after a few more check ups and everything we finally settled on our seat at the plane.

After a few hours, we landed at Tokyo as Jisoo said

I saw Hubby running towards me.... She hugged me. When I felt that familiar warmth.., I cried.... I cried so hard in her arms... not caring about people staring at me....

She broke the hug and held my hands..

We walked to the car and arrived at their shared house.

The girls quickly and excitedly run towards me... We hugged each other like there's a tomorrow.... My tears kept flowing.....

" Get inside Jen, it's cold." Jisoo said

We went inside., I saw a picture of us together with Lisa hanging on the living room area.. Seeing her face reminds me of what happened.... It's suddenly came in to me and now I finally understand.......

" She fell out of love"

" Wifey......." Chaeng hugged me.. I didn't know that I said it out loud.

" Eat first Jen... " Momo offered me a food.

" I don't have an appetite...."

" That's not good for the baby Eonni.." Mina said looking at my belly....

I cried again as I realized that I have her baby inside me.

" Shh....... Jen eat first ok.. You need to be strong for the baby... We are here now ok?" Nayeon Eonni said, stroking my back.

I forced myself to eat and went to hubby's room..

" Sleep now wifey, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere.... No one's gonna hurt you now." She whispered, holding me in her arms.

I didn't realized that I fell asleep.

Rose's POV

" I'm going to kill that Lalisa Manoban !! How dare she hurt my wifey?!!!!" I shouted at everyone..

I can feel my face burning from all the pain and anger I am feeling right now.

" Shhhhh..... You might wake her" Sana Eonni warned.

Nayeon: " Calm down Chaeng..... "

Mina: " Let's wait for Lisa to call "

Momo: " No !!! She's not allowed to call our Jendeuki! After what she's done !!!"

Nayeon: " let's not talk about this infront of Jen, she needs us guys... We need to help her in anyway possible."

Sana: " that goes without saying Eonni"

I can't help but to feel relieve that this people loves my wifey too....

" Ignore every messages, calls, chat's and email from Lisa... Don't tell her that Jennie's with us here in Tokyo." I said, giving everyone a warned look.

Mina: " But what it, Jennie Eonni wants to see her?"

Sana: " The Baby is still Lisa's..."

Momo: " Who's going to arranged The baby's birth cert?, how about the father?"

" I will take care of everything.. No father on the birth cert. she left anyway." I said, clenching my fist.

" No one will ever going to hurt my wifey again........ "

" Relax Chaeng..... We can't add your emotion to Jendeuki's stress" Nayeon Eonni held my hands.

Sigh, Damn you Lalisa Manoban !

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