Chapter 32

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We told everyone what happened and we're all gathered here on my apartment. The girls have been very supportive, comforting Jennie and making her laugh. I was so moved at their antics ... Nini is really a lucky person to have them.

Nini then received a text message from her Mom. Asking her not to see her again, the thing we've been soooo afraid to hear. She was so devastated And i can't do anything to fix this.

" Wifey..... I'm still here, I'll take care of Auntie too for you, I also asked Alice and Mom to talk to her and look after her once in a while. Don't worry, She'll forgive you"
Chaeng said, hugging Jennie.

" Yeah, she's your Mom after all." Nayeon said.

" We need to tell my parents too Love, what do you think?" I said, trying to cheer her up

" It's up to you.. " She coldly said.

" We'll tell them when you're ready" I replied with a smile.

Jisoo seems to be so quiet lately.

" Eonni , you OK ?, you seems very quiet, somethings going on? " I asked.

" Nothing, just work Lis.... it's getting hectic"

" Ohhh about that... I'm planning to asked about Jennie's Job, since it's been so stressful for her I dont think working will help? "

" What do you mean? "

" what if her job add up to her stress?"

" Talk to her about it, She's the only one who can answer that buddy"

" Never mind, I don't wanna argue... "

We spent the day consoling my Nini, we are all trying our best to lighten up the mood. With Momo and Nayeon Eonni being the comedian just for My love. Sana was so busy texting her Doc lover. Yes !!! Sana get Kim Dahyun to date her.

When the girls left. Nini was sitting on the sofa staring at the floor. I was about to approach her when my phone ring....

" Mommy ❣ "

" Hello Mom ? "

" Lisaaaaa.... your dad.. "

" What's wrong with dad ? " I'm getting nervous , Mom's crying on the other line

" He was at the hospital, heart attack Lisa.... Just now.... I'm so scared babyyy... Please come home "

" I will Mom , please try to calm down ok? Dad needs us to be strong for him"

" His on the operating room, Im scared."

" Where's Bam?"  my twin brother

" He's taking over the meeting, since your Dad can't make it "

" Whuuut ???? Is that really important now ?????"  I yelled making Jennie look at me

" It's what your Dad wants... He wants you and  Bam to take over the company, his getting ready for his retirement Lis, then this happen..  " I can hear my Mom sobbing ....

" Be strong, Mom, ill be there.I'll hung up now to prepare ok?  ok ok bye.. Love you Mom. "

I hung up the phone and kneel in from of Nini,

" Nini, Let's go, I need to come home, Dad is critical at the hospital, Mom needs me. Please baby.... "

" whaaat ?? Lisa how is he ?? And Your Mom ??? " She asked worriedly.

" She's not fine of course and she needs me.. Love come with me to Thailand .. "

" Lisa.... it's too far, I mean, my Job here and My family, My life is here... "

" How about me ????? The baby ? Do you think I can leave there without you ?"

" Lisa.... We can go now, But I need to come back here.... "

" Let's talk about that later, pack your things I'm gonna book us a flight as early as possible. " I said, leaving her behind.

I booked a 5AM flight tom to Thailand. Its now 10 PM...I went to our room and saw Nini packing My Clothes.

" Heyy, it's ok... I have my clothes at home love, where's yours? "

" I'm done packing... there it is. I only pack a few good for 2-3 weeks "

" 2-3 weeks ??????, Jennnie that's too short  ! We'll be staying there for at least a couple of months. "

" Lisaaa.... I'm not quitting my Job! "

" Can't you do a little sacrifice for me ???"

" What ????! I just lost my Mom Lisa ! because of you ! " She yelled at me

" And now, It's all my fault !? Whhyyyy ???? Don't you choose me over your family? !" I yelled back

" And now your saying that after you got me pregnant ! How dare you ! " She shouted back, louder this time

I felt guilty , I know she's been through alot lately... I sigh, and hugghed her.

" Soorrry love, I'm just..... My Dad..." She hugged me back....

" I'm sorry, I'm selfish. Let's sleep , we still have time.

We arrived at the airport at 3AM. After preparing for the flight we are now at the boarding area.

Jennie hugged me tight.

" It's my first time riding a plane Lisa... "

" It's Ok, I'm here.... I'll take care of you and the baby remember?? "

She nodded.

Hang in there Dad............

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