Chapter 15

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Jeannie's POV

" Until I met you .... "


Shit ! What's wrong with me ! maybe the alcohol.... No ! It's true. I changed after I met her. I don't know why.......

" I'm into girls too Jen. "

" Ohh... "

" and I'm into you "

I noticed the car had stopped. I look around, where at the park. She removed her seatbelt and looked at me...

" I like you Jennie Kim , since the first day I met you, I used to hate the rain cause it ruins a lot of moments for me, it makes me sad, it reminds me of the past. But meeting you on that rainy afternoon changes everything, I've never been so grateful of the rain in my life. " She said, not breaking the eye contact.

" Lisa ... I --"

" It's okay, I know, I understand and I won't stop until you tell me to stop. "

" Lisa...... I don't know, it's wrong "

"What's wrong? "

" I .. We're both girls Lisa. and My mom... what will other people think of me"

" I'll talk to your mom, I'll show her how serious I am. And we don't need to listen to other people's opinion Jen, ...  waiiit... do you....... "

" i don't know Lisa..... I just know that I'm happy , and I don't wanna lose you "

" Jen.....I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, Every obstacles you face, every pain , every struggles, I'll be there, I promise " She said, reaching for my hand.

" Lisa....... I'm scared, I never been with someone before, not to mention, a girl... I'm confused , but I know that my feelings for you and Hubby and different ...."

" Jen..... I'm glad that i can assume you felt the same way .. Right?? "

" Yeah, I uhm.. I like you too " I can feel my self blush ! Shoooooccks !... So this is how it feels like to like someone,....thank god ! Its a little dark in this car.

" I'll take you home now, its almost morning hahaha "

" Lis... Uhmm... are you tired ? "

" For you ? Noooo !  Never ? Why ? Wanna go somewhere ? "

" Yeah, since the sun is about to rise, let's watch it together. I knew a good spot "

" Sure , Nini ( winks ) "

" Nini ????? "

" Yeah ... Hahaha I really want to call you that pleaaaase !"

" OK ! But not when everyone's around !"

" Ok fiinee "


We arrived at the spot where I always went to when my Dad was still around. Its not that far from my neighborhood.

We sat on the bench, facing the view of the still dark sky.

" You know, I used to come here with Dad "

" Really..... How does he looked like? "

" Me "

" owww, a I bet he's handsome"

" Tsk ! Taehyung Oppa is more handsome tho, he's different from dad. He's loyal to his girl , He loves Dad the most... But now, hearing Dad's name made him angry. "

" It's okay, Jen ..........You know, everything really happens for a reason., no matter how painful it maybe, there's always a good thing in every bad situation. "

She said, making me lean my head on her shoulder as we watch the sunrise. We sat there with a comfortable silence... I intertwine our hands as I look straight ... Maybe she's right, maybe this is right cause It felt right....

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