Chapter 39

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Jennie's POV

Its 8:30 PM when Lisa arrived with dozen of donuts. I was beyond happy... She changed after the incident. No, she get back to her old sweet and caring self when I told her I'll leave. Since that day, She always took me somewhere, Accompany me with my appointments to the doctor, give everything I want. She even woke up in the middle of the night to comfort me or to get me my cravings.

Hubby visited last Month with Jisoo and Nayeon.

( Flashback)

I woke up with noises around me, when I look at the source of the noise... There I saw Nayeon Eonni, Jisoo and hubby chatting happily while eating breakfast at Lisa's couch.

" Ohh... Jendeuk-ahh.... You awake.. " Nayeon Eonni noticed and hurriedly went to hug me.

" God ! I missed you....... How are you Jendueki ! And this little one inside...." she said caressing my tummy.

" I'm fine, just having a little struggles here and there. " I answered trying to get up.

Hubby helped me go to the bathroom since I always had an urge to pee, specially in the morning.

" Jendeuk-ahh... pregnancy suited you really well, you still look as beautiful as ever.." Jisoo said smiling.

" Aww.. Chu ~~ ... That's why I really love you......." I said hugging her. She's always visiting me almost every month since she's helping Lisa too.

" How about me ?..... " Chaeng jealousy crossing her arms.

" Awww.... I love you more, of course ! " I kissed her cheeks.

" How are you Jen...." Nayeon Eonni asked again.

" I missed you guys, my job, my family, Mom......... Home..... But Lisa needs me here and She's been perfect" I said, not sharing about the past months.

" Good ! So when are going to visit home?"

" Maybe when I gave birth, I'll surely asked Lisa about it. I want the girls to see my baby.... "

" Ohhh by the way, The girls are in Japan, we are expanding Jen, My Dad opened a company branch for Japanese consumers and we are managing it right now since 3 of our members are Japanese " Jisoo explained with hint of sadness in her voice .

" Heyyy.... What's wrong?"

" I missed you ,.. The team isn't the same without you... this is our dream Jen.... I'm sorry I'm being emotional hahaha " She said, making me emotional too.

" Yahh ! Look what you've done to her !" Chaeng slapped her shoulder hard.

" Awww chaeyoung-ahh !!! " She yelled rubbing her arm.

" I *sob* missed you guys*sob* "

" You can always go back TL...." Nayeon teased .

" Thank you. TL ! " I teased back, yeah ! She's now their Team Leader.


" Baby.....let's sleep now.... " Said, Lisa after we finished washing up.

She looked stress as always sigh,

" Love........ "

" Hmmmm..... "

" I'm sorry, If I'm being a burthen,... "

" That's not true... going home with you is the most exciting part of the day... " She said as she looked at me.

" I promised to take care of you more, when I gave birth... I was just having a hard time carrying this little one. " I said, caressing my bulging belly.

" No, I am going to take extra care of you and our baby when you give birth..... I am OK..??"

" Ohh ok.... I love you Lisa... "

" I love you more....... I love you tooo little one....... "

" What do you want Love... A boy or a girl.... " I said , caressing her head thats infront of my tummy.

" It doesn't matter you know, but I want a healthy baby, A normal One unlike me... "

" Hey ... There is nothing wrong with you"

" there is Nini, that's why your mom hates us now, because of me"

" Nini,... I love you.... I always do... Don't say that ok?"

" I love you, Andd you...... Come out when its time ok? be healthy our baby..... "  She said, and kissed my tummy

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