Chapter 42

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Third Person's POV

After a week, it's finally time for Lisa to meet her ex girlfriend of 5 years. They were childhood best friend. They went to same school until Senior Highschool and live in the same neighborhood. They started dating at 16 and broke up after 5 years.

FLASHBACK ( 5 years ago )

Lisa's POV

"Why do you need to go back to Taiwan??? Your Family's Business is here. I'm here .... "
I said as I held her hand.

" Babe, you can go with me, we can live there... We can find a school for you there too... " She said, with those pleading eyes.

" I can't do that, I can't even speak your language,. How can I go to school there ???" I argue.

" Babe,.. for me ??? Mommy needs me... I need to go, She's alone there, I can't bare to be happy here knowing my Mom was sick on her bed alone....." She looked down after saying those words.

" Sigh, I don't know.... Bring her here.. I'll help you take care of her too... "  I tried to convinced her.

" She's weak... I can't do that.. Lisaaaa... I love you so much.. And I know you'll understand.... But If you can't support me on this..... I think we should-- "

" No ! No no no...... I can't... please.... Babe.. Let me think about this... Please.. "

After 3 months.

" I'm sorry, I can't...... I love you... I'll visit every month ?? How's that??... " I said trying to cheer her up.

" I know, I understand.... let's do that.. But remember... I love you always, "

After she left, I continued my life without her, but we always talk on the phone, always update each other, I visited her in taiwan for like 7 times. We lasted 7 months before she suddenly announce that she's breaking up with me.

I hurriedly fly to Taiwan. I begged , I kneel down infront of her. Begging her to stay.. But she pushed me away.

" I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore... I want someone who can stay with me. I want someone beside me Lisa... "

" I'll fix everything at home and live here with you.... "

" No, its too late, you're not the one that I want now .  I'm sorry...just leave.. And be happy Lisa.. "

That's the last time I saw her, after that She left that house and went to another school. Avoiding me completely.

I tried visiting her, but I can't find her... I search for business schools in Taiwan but didn't find her.... Her dad isnt helping me at all. I did that for almost half a year until I decided to just went to Korea and find Jisoo there. I lost her because of my selfishness...


Third Person POV

Mr. Edward came in with her daughter following her.

" Ohh Lisa you're early... Sit down.."

" Hi... I'm Chou's nice to meet you.." Extending her hand to Lisa.

Lisa can't seem to find her words to say.

" Hi Lis... it's been so long isn't it?.. " Said the beautiful woman sitting in front of her.

" Yeah..... it is... " A short answer from a nervous Lisa.

" We can start this meeting right away and I'll leave you two for it. "

They both nodded and listened.

After the meeting... they are now alone in the room

" Uhmmm Lis??.. "

"Hmm? "

" I'm sorry, for that day.. and for everything."

" It's ok Tzu.. It's my fault..I'm sorry too for not being there when you needed me.  "

" Nahh... You're amazing Lisa... It's not you its me.. "

" Amazing?..... I didn't even try to live with you for a while... I didnt support you when you were in need "

" You did... Just thinking about you made me get through everything..  "


" So... Uhmmm... How are you ?... " Lisa asked trying to break their strangely comfortable silence....

" I'm good ! I finished my master's degree hahaha I can't believe it ! " She exclaimed. Making Lisa giggle

" Nahh.. I knew you can do it ! "

" By the way, my condolences Lis.. about uncle..... I haven't even say my last goodbye." Tzuyu looked down.

" It's ok.. We're getting better now. I need you and your dad's help to survive Dad's company... "

" I know... And I'll do everything to help... "

" Tzuyu... uhmmmm... Thanks.. A lot !"

" You are my first love Lisa.... No matter what happened to us.. You are still my best friend . " Tzuyu said, smiling genuinely to Lisa.

Lisa can't help it anymore.. She hugged Tzuyu...

" I missed you Tzu..... I'm so glad you're here now.... "

" Yeahh.... And I'm not living you anymore... "

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