Chapter 40 (M)

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Lisa's POV

I'm on my way to visit the Chou's Company. I booked a meeting with her father. He agreed to meet me since I'm her daughter's Ex Girlfriend..

I am waiting at the lobby when a secretary called me inside his office .

" Hi Mr. Edward, I'm Lalisa Manoban... The CEO of Manoban Group. " I formally said, extending my hand.

" Don't be too formal Lisa, I am your late father's friend remember?"

" Yes Sir, I know but...this is a business matter.. "

" How are you by the way, and your Mom of course..... "

" We're doing fine Uncle, She's still in grief but She's coping up. "

" That's good to hear then... I grant you a meeting Lisa caused I know how hard your Dad worked for that Company. But I am really sorry , I'm still a little doubtful about your ability as a CEO. "

" I understand Sir. Bu-"

" but I'm giving you a chance.... That is.. If you are willing to work with my daughter. "

Shit ! No wayyyy.....

" Excuse me ? ......."

" Hahaha don't get me wrong, She just got her Master's degree and I want her to help you, as her first official project. "

" Ohhh, so she pursue business... "

" Yeah.... I don't want her taking over this company without experience just like you... I don't want her to get the criticism.... And its a win win for you two."

" She'll help you, while I am investing on your company and you'll help her gain experience. " He added.

" Sounds  fair..... "

" I already asked her, I just need to hear your approval on this and we're settled. "

" Let's do it Sir,... for my Dad......."

" Ok  I'll arrange a meeting with you and her, I want you to bring your secretary ok? "

I nodded in agreement and excited the building driving home. I didnt dare to go back at the office, I want to see my Nini.


I went inside my room seeing her watching a babysitting tutorial.

I smiled, as I approached her. Careful not to startle her.

" Love?........"

" Heyy..... Lili....... ! " She excitedly walk towards me. Holding her bulging tummy

" Careful love........ "  I said as I approach her.

" You're early today..... "

" I missed you.... and my little one here..... " I said kissing her tummy.

" How about my kiss???" Aigooo jealous freak.

" I can give you more than a kiss today baby.... " I whispered

" Really...... I'm curious... " She said, kissing me

I respond to the kiss and hold her waist. We are now kissing hard while standing in the middle of the room.

I kissed her neck, sucking her pulse point.

" Ahmmmm.... Lisa.... "

I undress her , still standing. I palm her breast, god ! Her breast looks bigger now.

" Hmmm.... Baby.... Bed!... Put me to bed."

She moaned as I rub her clit through her panty. I carefully lift her bridal style and put her to bed.

She's lying on my bed. Naked, with her big breast. Bulging stomach and horny looking face. Seeing her pregnant makes me hard. She's incredibly sexy in this look. I jerk myself looking at her, making my cock hard as a rock inside my pants.

" remove your pants for me baby... "  She said, licking her lips

I removed my pants, not breaking the eye contact, followed by my boxer.

My cock sprang free infront of her. making her moan while massaging her breast.

" Ahhhh.... Lisa... Come here daddy.. Massage this for me... Hmm " Shit ! Hearing the "daddy " word made my cock twitch !

I hurriedly went to her and lick her breast.....

" Hmmm... Ahhhhhh....ah.. Lisa.. " She moans holding my head in place.

" What do want love.  ? " I asked teasing her

" I want you love.... Iw want you Lisa.. " She was there looking straight into me.

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