Chapter 47

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Rosé's POV

" hubbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!"

I woke up when I heard wifey shouting.

" The hell...  Jendeuk?????! "

Its Jisoo,looking as gorgeous as ever with her messy hair, and cute oversized pajama..... 

Yahh !Chaeyoung !!! Wake up its not the time to gawk on Jisoo..

Ohhh shit ! Wifey !

" Arggghhhh... Ahh ! Hubbyyy help... " I run into the bathroom and saw her sitting on the toilet bowl holding her protruding belly...

" Omg !! Omg ! Wifey... Uhmmmm hold me... " I tried helping her to stand..

" Arghhh ahhhhh.... ! *pants* it hurts*pants*"  She's breathing heavily

Momo: " Jendeuk! Why are shouting ????"

Sana: " is everything Ok?"

Nayeon: " What the hell Jen???, too early in the morning..."

Jennie: " well, I'm so sorry for disturbing you all this early but my water just broke!"

NaMoSaMi: " Whaaaattttttt??? "

Sana: " Bring her to the hospital Jisoo"

Jisoo:" Ohh??? Yeahh yeah !! Let's go !"

Jennie: " Hubby moved ! " She hissed, pushing me aside

" Where's the bag??? The key ?? Uhmmm what else... " I was panicking so much

Nayeon:" did you put everything on the bag"

Sana: " Where's the bag ???"

Momo: " What bag???????"

Nayeon Eonni smacked her, " The bag with the baby's things ! Idiot !"

Momo scratching her head: " ohhh that bag, where's that bag??"

Nayeon: " sigh, you idiot--"

Jennie: " Arrrghhhh!... Ahhhhh hmmmm.... Stop it guys.. please hurry.."

Mina:  " Take her to the hospital first Jisoo Eonni and Chaeng,  Accompany them Nayeon Eonni.. We'll follow you with the things she needs ok?... "

Of course ! That's our genius penguin!

We did what she told us and we are now in the car, with Jisoo driving , Nayeon Eonni and I at both sides of Wifey holding her hands..

" Arggghhhh. *pants* huuhhh.... Gooodddd.... It hurst ...ahhmmmm" Wifey's in labor... She's been having contraction for every 20 min. now...

" Breath in.......breath out... Wifey, follow me .. Innnnnn andddd out.... "

We arrived at the hospital.. Everyone was looking at us,  suppressing their laugh.

Well, we wheeled Wifey to the labor room with the 3 of us wearing our pajamas. I don't care though, we need to make sure wifey and the baby are both safe...

" You're not allowed inside Ma'am..." the nurse told me

" Whaaatttt??? My wifey needs me.. please let me in..... " I said, trying to convinced them.

" Argghhh... Hubbbbyyyy..... It hurts !!!" I heard Wifey's painful scream.

" Chuu ! Do something I need to be inside..please.... " I begged Jisoo.

After a good 20 min Mina, Sana and Momo arrived, carrying the bags.

" Here Eonn-deul... Change to this clothes.. " Mina said, handling us another bag.

" Mina,... Please I need to be inside. Wifey needs me there please..."

" Ok Eonni I'll see what I can do, change your clothes first."

I nodded and we went to the hospital's Comfort room to change, I am really nervous, my hands are shaking as a changed my clothes. 

After we changed, we hurriedly run back to the labor room.

Mina: " Eonni wear this... Hurryy., Jennie Eonni is waiting inside..."

She managed to talk to the staff, I didn't know how she convinced them but ohh.. well !  its our Mina we're talking about here.

I entered the room and saw wifey there on the bed crying in pain.. I hurriedly approached her and hold her hand... I'm nervous as fuck but I need to be strong...

" Wifey... I'm here, remember??? You can do it... You're the strongest person I know... "

" Arghhh... Hubby * pants* ughhhhh.. *pants* It hurts... Hnmm.. So bad ! Arghhhhh" She's groaning in pain.

I'm tearing up seeing her in pain, I secretly wiped my tears and whispers a comforting words trying to encourage her to be strong.

" Hang in there wifey"


Jisoo's POV

We don't know what's happening inside, its been 3 hours since we arrived. We're currently eating sandwich now on the lobby, I brought some for Chaeng too but She declined.

She and Jennie haven't eaten anything yet. I hope she's not in so much pain, though I knew how painful labor pains are. Mom told me that before...

Be safe Jennie, be safe baby.....

Nayeon: " Chill Chu, she's Jennie, She can do it,,.. Let us pray for her"

Momo: " It must've been painful, our poor Jendeuki"

Sana: " I swear to kill that Lisa! She put Jennie here and then left her! Jerk !"

Mina: " Don't mention her here Eonni... She's getting into my nerves!. "

We all looked at Mina with a shocked face. Dont you dare come here Lisa .. Mina's mad. Our very nice Mina is mad. Looked what you've done.

Mina: " We accepted her, we let her in! We healed her, Jennie Eonni healed her and now.... She left us all wounded ! Specially Jennie Eonni. .... " She looked down and cried.

Nayeon: " Mina-yah..... Everything's gonna be okay. Let's be strong for our  Jennie okay?."

Mina nodded and wiped her tears

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