Chapter 33

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We landed at the Airport, I was clinging on Lisa the whole time. A couple man in their suit approached Lisa and talk with their language. Lisa then guided me to the car.

After about an hour drive. We arrived first at the Hospital... I saw Lisa's Mom....

Lisa immediately hug her Mom, letting go of my hands. They hugged as her Mom cried in her hold, Lisa's brother was there too... I greeted Him with a smile. He smiled back, tiredness was evident on their faces.

" Jennie sweetheart.... You're here " She offered me a hug. Which I gladly accept.

" How's Dad ? "

" He's still unconscious "

" Can I see him "

" No ones allowed inside "

" Whyy??? "

" It's not just heart attack Lisa,... Your Dad has a Leukemia too stage 3 " i felt my world spinning......

I held on Lisa for support..

" Nini..... you ok ?" She should be the one I'm asking but... All this are too mucn for me

" I'm feeling dizzy.... "

" you should go home lisa, take her home, She's tired from the travel "

Lisa then make me seat on the chair foe a while before Guiding me back to the car. After almost 2 hours we arrived infront of a realllllyyyyy huge mansion ! Its a mansion !
I can't believe what I'm seeing with my eyes.

" Woaahhhh.... This house is huge Lisa.... "

" Let's get you a breakfast first before you go to bed"

We entered a huge door, then there I saw a real life castle.... The chandeliers are shining and huge ! The floor tiles the walls, the paintings and furnitures..... Everything looks expensive !

A group of what I believe was their maids greeted Lisa and guided us to the dining table.. It was a feast for breakfast ! I feel like I'm in a five-star Hotel !

" Eat now, love..... "

We ate in silence then she guided by to her room.

She opened the door, then I saw a couch, a TV cause she has her own living room ! Then at the middle there was her a transparent door revealing her huge bed ! Good for 4 person !

There was a cabinet full of her miniature toy collection. An expensive pencil collection too.

I suddenly felt degraded on some ways.......

How can she fall for someone like me........

I'm out of her league............

" Done checking out my room baby.....?, Let's sleep I will show you a lot here later. "
She said, guiding me to her bed

I lay down and hugged her. She kissed my forehead as i slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up without Lisa beside me., I felt a sudden rush of panic.... Where is shee?mm what of she left me ????

I hurriedly went to the door, I dont know what hallway I should go When Lisa called me.

" Nini ????"

I hurriedly ran towards her.

" hey ..... What's wrong? Bad dream? "

" Don't leave me line that again! "

" Ohh I'm sorry, I just took. shower..... Come on take a shower too "

She guided me to the bathroom, She's still on her towel.

" How should I turn this on? " I asked , referring to the shower.

" Here.... " Then a gush of water pours on my head wetting my Clothes.....

" yaaahhh ! I asked on how to turn this on ! I never asked you to literally turn it on ! Now I'll all wet !... "

" And I'm so turned on....... "

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