Chapter 36

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Rosé's POV

Its been almost a month since hubby suddenly went to Thailand with Lisa. I understand the situation but I can't help but to worry and missed her. With her Mom being mad at her,  her Oppa, me and the rest of the girls lives far a way makes me worried sick. I trust Lisa, it's just that, she's busy with her family and all the matter, I'm sure my wifey was left at home sometimes and she hates being alone.......

I decided to take a 1 week vacation leave to visit her. I asked Jisoo and the girls immediately approved since we are all worried about them.

I asked Jennie Lisa's Address and now I'm here outside Lisa's Mansion! My god ! Mansion....

" Chipmunk lets go !... " Lisa said teasing me since I was gawking at her house ! Ohh mansion........

" Wow ! I mean wooowww.... Lisa I didn't know you're this rich ! " I said, still amused by the Mansion.....

" Shut it Chaeng... It's my parent's.. Not mine.. Come on ! Nini's waitiing... " She excitedly walked in front of me.

" Nini..... You have a visi----"

" Wifeeeeyyyyyyyyy...... " I yelled running on my My wifey's direction not letting Lisa finish her sentence.

" Ha--.... Hubby.....? " My wifey can't even said a word and just stand there waiting for my hug.

I hugged her, not so tight cause my baby niece/nephew was inside her.
She was crying in my hold, I can't help but cry too... We stayed like that for a while then she offered me to sit on the couch. Lisa's room has it's own Living room ! ITS LIKE THE SIZE OF OUR HOUSE...

" I'll leave you two, gonna get a food for food fighter Chaeng.  " Lisa said, teasing me

" it better be a feast Lisa ! " I said that made her laugh and left the room.

" Oh my god ! Whyyy.... Ho-..... Hubbbyyyy..... " She shuttered then cry on hold again.  ...

" Wifeyy... stop crying... How are you doing? And how's little baby here..??? " I said as I gently rub her still flat tummy.

" I'm fine, just bored and I missed you all.. I missed home.. "

" How long are you guys staying here ?"

" I don't know.... "

" Wifey.... If you want to go home, talk to Lisa... "

" She needs me, I don't want to be selfish hubby... "

" hmmmm I see, but she's not neglecting you right? I mean, I know she's busy and all but still... You are pregnant.. "

" She's not... I pity her hubby, she's been so stress and tired lately and I can't do anything. "

" Just be with her... Take care of her too.. You are really good at taking care of others Wifey... You'll get through it. I don't care if its Korea to Thailand I'll come running whenever you need me. " I said, as I hugged her.

We talked a lot that day, I updated her about us. About her Mom and Oppa and the company, just a little. Lisa let me sleep with Jennie that night.

I spent 1 week In Thailand with a lot of memories, we went shopping , we eat local foods, went to some famous places too.. Lisa let us since she's very busy and She also want my wifey to breathe fresh air.

It's been awesome, we didn't noticed the time until it's time for me to go home. We are now at the Airport with my wifey clinging onto my arms.

" Thanks a lot Lis ! Take Care of them... A scratch and - "

" I'm dead.... Yeahhh Chipmunk ! I'll take Care of them. You take care of yourself too. And of course Nini's Mom.... " She said finishing my sentence.

" yeah... I have to go, I'll see you soon wifey... " I said to a crying Jennie....

" Don't cry wifey, I'll visit as often as I could, Lisa will be paying for my vacation so why not?? ... " I continue.

" Yeah of course, bring them with you too.. "

" I love you wifey...take care ok?  Call me if anything happens .. I need to go. "

She didn't say anything as she let go of my hands..hiding her face on Lisa's shoulder, still crying.....

" Just be safe wifey.....

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