Chapter 46

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Dec 24, 11:00 PM

Jennie's POV

It's Christmas Eve, how are you Lisa?..... I'm still thinking about you .. Our baby is coming out next next week......

" Wifey let's go to the garden " hubby said, helping me to stand.

I am having a really hard time standing up, and even sitting down because my tummy is getting heavier.

We settled at the garden everyone was here, except her......

" Merry Christmas everyone..... My God ! We've been spending Christmas together... " Momo giggles.

" Hmmmm.... " I moaned rubbing my belly..

" Wifey you ok?" Chaeng asked as she noticed.

" Yeahh... Hmm... Just ..... A little pain..." I said, trying to breath.

" You sure????.."

" Yeah...... Don't be OA hahaha lets eat."

After an hour..... I felt the pain again.

" Hmmmm...... *breath* hmm..." It's stronger that earlier...

Everyone was busy getting food, drinking and everything....

2:00 AM, I decided to go to bed first since I'm not feeling really well since the morning.

"Wifey call me, OK... " I just nod in response.

" Arggghh..... Ahhhh... ! " I woke up with a more painful contraction.. I'm guessing its a contraction.

* breath in* ........ * breath out*

Its 4:00 AM,

" Baby.... don't be like this... You should come out on  Aunt Jisoo's birthday.... Mommy's sleepy, give mommy some sleep ok....." I'm talking to my baby while rubbing my belly.

*breath in*.........*breath out*. ...

" Wifey....? You ok???? What's wrong??.... "

" It hurts...*pants* Hubby.....hmmmm....."

" Omg! Should we go to the hospital? Is the baby coming....." She panicky asked.

" Hubby....relax, sit down..... " I said calmly

" Are you sure....... How are you feeling..?"

" The pain subsided ..... " I looked at her nervously.

" Wifey..... " She holds my hand

" I'm here,.... For you... And for our baby ... hehe I'm a mother too, I don't want to be Auntie.... " She said while rubbing my belly.

" Ok.... Then.. Thank you so much hubby... I don't know what to do without you.... Mom hates me, Oppa is a miles away, Lisa..... She abandoned us.... You're all I have .....". I said, crying again.

" I've lost everyone but you're *sob* still here... don't you ever *sob* leave me Chaeyoung-ahh ......."

" Shhhhh.. there ...there.... Don't cry... I PROMISE TO ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE FOREVER. .... I'LL ALWAYS LOOK AFTER YOU" She said, intertwining our fingers.

" I love you hubby.... So much.. ! I'm so sorry for hurting you...."

" Huhhh???? What are you saying?."

" Jisoo told me and Lisa that she loves me.... " 

" Hmmm.... "

" Lisa told us about you knowing that and you... Love....... Jisoo....... I'm sorry for hurting you hubby....."

" Shhhh... It's not your fault... Everyone loved my wifey, can't blame them" She said as she cupped my cheeks.

" Chaeng..... I never wanted *sob* to hurt *sob* you.... I didn't know th--"

" I love you Jennie Kim, if I were to choose between my love for Jisoo and  you, I'll always choose you... " I can see that sincerity in her eyes

" Hubby no, you should choose your happiness..."

" I always believed that we all have someone destined for us Wifey ..... And I wouldn't sacrifice you for anything cause If that someone came in,,... I want you to see me happy..." She's looking at me , smiling genuinely.

" Hubby........ I chose to stay with Lisa and leave you...." It hurts to know how she felt when I left her .

" But after what happened, you came back to me...."

" Aren't you mad?...."

" Wifey, I love you..... I know you love me too, just like you said earlier... We should choose our happiness.... You did choose yours........ loving someone and living far away from me doesn't make you love me less right???...."

I nodded in response,

" One day, I'll find my destiny too, or maybe live far away from you too ... But I know that whenever we are in the world we'll always find ways to see each other. I'll always look for your comfort...."

I didn't say anything and just let my tears fall..... She kissed my forehead and lay beside me hugging me from the side.

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