Chapter 37

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Jennies POV

I'm on my 4th month of pregnancy, I still experience morning sickness for the past few days... Lisa' s Dad passed away last week. I haven't talk to her since, She was always busy fixing this and that...

I'm trying to understand but I'm having a hard time on my first trimester. I need her to be with me on my check up but She's not there, She's busy..

I'm eating my meals alone, her Mom was on their private resort somewhere in this country. I don't know.. Maybe to grieve for her loss.

Mean while, Bam Bam was asked to managed their Ofifce Branch in the states. Leaving Lisa here to manage the Main Branch since She's the first born. And it was her dad's will.

I was sitting on our shared bed waiting for Lisa its now 11:00 PM, no text or update. I'm disappointed but I choose to understand.

" Hey,.. you're still awake, it's late.. "  She said as she drop her bag on the couch and removed her blazer.

I approached her and hugged her.

" I'm waiting for you.... I missed you.. "

" Come on... You know what I'm doing.. " She hissed removing my hand on her waist.

" I just missed you love... Dinner ?? " I asked trying to change the topic and ignored my aching heart

" it's 11:00 PM, what do you think ?" she annoyingly went to the bathroom and took a shower..

" She's just stress Jennie, try to understand... She's been having a hard time more than you do"

She went out of the bathroom and lay down on the bed, back facing me. I stood up and turned the lights off. I went to my side and silently cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up seeing Lisa still sleeping beside me, I stood up and felt the world spin.... I'm so dizzy again... I sat down trying to calm myself. After a while, I suddenly felt an urge to throw up. So I quickly went to the bathroom open the toilet bowl then throw up. Its been weeks and it's getting stronger everyday.. I asked the Doctor but She said its normal, everyone was just different . I flashed the toilet then stayed there for a while since I'm still feeling dizzy, Then suddenly, the door opened revealing a still sleepy Lisa.

" Heyy... Move... I need to pee. " She harshly said moving me a side and do her business

" I'm dizzy love.... " I whinned.

" Sigh, come here .. " She said, guiding me to the bed.

" That's what you get from sleeping late. . I told you not to wait for me.... "She scolded. I can't help but to cry which irritate her more.

" My god Jennie ! Stop being like this.. I was just saying and now, you're crying on me ???!.."

" Why are you being mad ? Can't you see? I'm pregnant Lisa, I need you too.. I can't do this on my own !" I shouted.

" What the hell ???? I have responsibility Jennie ! My Dad left me a responsibility for thousands of employees !! You just need to take care of yourself ! "

" I didn't asked you to feed me or anything I just need to feel your presence Lisa ! You left me here every day with nothing to do !"

" Whaaat ???? I left you with everything! You can do anything you want ! Do I have to feed you everything??????, Why can't you understand???" She shouted back . louder this time.

"I've been trying to understand you Lisa, but you are being too much ! I can't take this anymore ! I'm going back to Korea !"
I said walking out of her face and angrily grab my language.

" Nini..... Stop it ..I'm so sorry... I'm just..." she said, back hugging me, I was about to grab my language again when I felt something on my shoulder, its. ..

Her tears......

She's crying.................

" I'm sorry, Don't leave me...
Dad already left, I can't afford to lose you and the Baby Nini...... "

With a sigh, I turned around and hugged her .

" I'm sorry,... I'm not leaving you, until you say so... "

" Promise???? .... "

" Promise...." I said, and kissed her forehead.

After what happened, She didn't go to work that day and spent time with me, we went on a date and window shop for baby's things since its still so early to buy anything .

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