Chapter 54

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After 3 years.....

Jennie's POV

I'm on my way to meet hubby today.

I still felt a sting of pain just thinking about what happened 3 years ago.....

" Mama...... " I looked behind me and smiled looking at my cute little angel smiling at me.

" Yes baby.... You done??? Ready to meet Mommy Chaeng?? "

He excitingly nods his cute little head.

" You done too love?..." I said. And turned my attention to Lisa who's standing at the door

" Yeah..... by the way, you looked awesome as always Love .... " She walked towards me and kissed me on the cheeks..

We heard a little giggles from our Son and looked at each other....

" I'm ready let's go... " I said and carefully walked to the door, Lisa's hand was holding Leo's hand and the other was guiding me on the stairs.

She then settled Leo on the backseat and guided me to seat on the passenger side.. I was holding my belly careful not to bump anywhere.

We all settled and drove to the Cemetery.

We brought her favorite flower... Lisa knew exactly what was her favorite flower..

Lisa parked the car and guided me carefully out of the car, then went to get Leo......

We are walking quietly on the cemetery, My heart felt heavy again as we're nearing her tomb stone.

" Love... you okay?...." Lisa asked......

" Yeah....just having a hard time walking a long distance with this 8 month belly Lisa" I said, rolling my eyes.

" Hehe... I love you.... " She said hugging me close.

Yes I'm 8 months pregnant again with our second baby.


3 years ago ......

I went home crying after the news of Hubby's 50% chance of surviving the operation..

We haven't find a donor yet but the chances are too small for hubby..

I then saw Lisa with a sleeping Leo in her arms....

She went inside the room and sat beside me.....

" I know....... that anything I say wouldn't matter anymore.... But.... I just want you to know that Im here...... I promised Chaeng to take care of you.... "

I didn't answer and just lean on her shoulder. I felt drained.....

I woke up in my bed with Leo on his crib and Lisa on the floor...

" Maybe it's time she get her second chance......."

After 2 months, Lisa found a donor for Chaeng..

we're all happy to hear the news but........

On the night before her operation, She asked everyone to gather on her room....

Chaeng: " Guys..... we will never know what will happen tomorrow but..... " she still weak but trying her best to talk.

Jisoo: " Stop it Chaeng.... We found a donor... Everything's gonna be ok"

Nayeon: " Remember you will attend Jennie's wedding.? What if Lisa leave then again... ... -"

Momo: " Yeah... What if they argue and Jennie can't do anything but cry alone "

Sana : " And she's not telling us, because we are not you... "

Chaeng : " Shut up ! I will rose from the dead, I swear! "

We all laugh in that,  but fades away immediately when Chaeng cough...

Jisoo ran to her side immediately.

Chaeng :  " I'm fine....."

Everyone left and I stayed with her.

Chaeng: " Wifey........ hmm.. I think.... I'm.... going far away.... "

" Don't say that! *sob* you promised! *sob* please.... tomorrow.... *sob* everything will be back to normal..."

Chaeng: " I never.... break .......a promise ... wifey. .....  I'll always be by your side.... "

" You should ! I can't imagine a life without you"

" I will always be with you........" She said, holding my hand.

That was the last words I heard from her before the operation...

End of Flashback

We arrived at her tomb stone. Lisa and Leo put the flowers on her grave..

We stayed silent and pray...

" Thank you for everything....... I will never forget you.... I'm sorry that we rarely visit.
Well if you are looking from above, you can see... We're having another baby.... " I said, caressing my belly.

" Yeahh..... we are all happy now, we still missed you tho, too bad that we didn't have a lot of time to spent together... But I'm thankful for everything, thank you for being part of my life....... "Lisa said as she closed her eyes

" Let's meet again on our next lifetime and maybe then, we can be friends too.....


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