Chapter 14

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1 Year Later

Lisa's POV

Its been a year, a really great year for me. We're celebrating New years eve together again but this time its just us. JenChuLiChaeng since the girls decided to go home, same with Nayeon Eonnie. I've been so in love with Jennie Kim, but I didn't tell her yet. I'm scared. I remember what Jisoo Eonni told me.

" She's not into girls Lis, her mom would kill her... She loves her Mom so much !"

I set it aside and let Jennie see how I felt about her. Chaeng and I became close as well and I found out that She's in love with Jisoo. Yes, she's been in love with her since that day she saw her. I remember Chaeng told me everything , She was so drunk that time hahahaha


We're celebrating Momo's birthday at their shared apartment. Everyone was so drunk including Jennie whom I safely put on the bed. With a collapsed Jisoo on the floor hahahaha we put Jisoo and Momo on the same room ( Momo's room) Sana and Mina on Sana's room While Nayeon and Jennie on Mina's room, leaving me and Chaeng on the living room still drinking. I have a really high alcohol tolerance hehehe .. After another 2 bottles of soju. Chaeng started mumbling words.

" shuuu,.. Shishuuuu,,... "

" what? "

" jyii shuuuuuuu.... I laauv u shuuuuu" She mumbled.

" Yahhh you chipmunk ! " I raised her head and shocked to see a tears escaped her closed eyes.

" Chaeng ... What's wrong?" I asked leaning her head on my shoulder...

She lookup and said " Ai waaaavv  hwer Lis... I waavv........  Jishuuu, Iih herrts..... iihh heeertss  liiisssssssss... I waaaavv ...........hwer" 

She cried, it's my first time hearing this. And I felt it. I felt her pain. You love someone but couldn't say it.

2 days later, I asked Chaeng for a coffee just the two of us and told her  about it.

" Yaaaahhhhh ! , " She screamed earning a hissed from other people .

" sorry, I'm so sorry, " she stood up and bow.

" Yah , Lisa ... Please keep it a secret "


" Just please??"

"OK "

"I'll kill you Lisa ,if she finds out"

" She's into girls you know "

" I know "

"Then why "

" She's into someone,... "

"Huh? Really whooooooo? "

" Lisa.... I know you like my Wifey you know "

" Uhmmm Chaeng I-uhh...."

" it's ok Lis, I know..... "

" I just want to remind you that  Her mom doesn't like it. I mean, she won't ever approve you two. It'll break her heart if you put her into that situation "

" what are you trying to say "

" Stop it "

" Whaat ? Whyyy ? "

" She might fall for you too, and it will never be easy Lisa, She loves her Mom, she would never do anything to hurt her mom "

" Chaeng I... I'll talk to her Mom, i will prove to them that I love Jennie, that I will protect and make her happy.... That is , if she feels the same way "

" Are you serious about this ? .... Lis you'll hurt her ! "

" Why are you saying that !"

" I know what will happen, and as her Best friend I will  do everything to prevent it from happening !  Leave her alone Lisa "


We fixed that argument between us, and that made us really close. We're here talking and drinking again. We talked to the Girls via Video Call earlier and  greeted them. Oh! And I'm currently working as a photographer now, I built my own studio. I dont know what to do with my College degree tho, but well, I'm enjoying my career for now. I'm still paint sometimes, ooh and Jennie loves my drawing and paintings ! When she visits the studio, she always asked me if she can go to my room. To see new paintings and if there is, i let her see everything I have.

We decided to go home at 4 AM. I asked Jisoo to take Chaeyoung Home and Ill drive Jennie. She agreed.

While driving , Jennie looked at me,

" Why " I asked not looking at her

" Lis...... It's been a great year isn't it "

" yeah "

" Thank you for everything "

" Huh? "

" For taking care of me, for driving me home, for your patience , for being there, for supporting me "

" ahh hahahah, its nothing..., i like doing it for you.., I like seeing you Jen,. Ooh and I promised Chaeng to protect and make you happy.. Or else She'll kill me "

" Hahahhahahaha , she's always like that you know "

" She loves you Jen, "

" Oh! and I love her more "

" Ohhhh so your into girls? " I asked trying to open the topic.

" I'm not "

" Ohh , yeah hahaha " I laugh awkwardly, hiding the pain that slowly sipping on my chest.

" Until I met you " 

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