Chapter 29

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" I'm pregnant Lisa "

Did I heard it right ???????? She's ........

" Nini... "

" We're not thinking Lisa ! We're too reckless !!! " She said, sobbing....

" Baby.... I know its not a good timing but... "

" Do you want to keep it ?" she asked looking straight into my eyes.

" Of course Nini, it's ours... Do you...? "

" Lisa....... " She's sobbing real hard now.

" Babyyy... Shhh... It's OK we're in this together "

" I thought you'll leave me or ask me to abort it "

" whaaatttt ??? How can you say that ?"

"Because.... We're not ready...  And my mom ! She--"

" Hush baby... It's ok. whatever happens I'm not leaving... We'll take care of the baby... We need to tell your family... "

" I know Lisa, I'm scared.. " She said, holding my hand tightly.

" I'll take care of you love, and... our baby .. " I said, putting my hand on her tummy.

" I can't believe I'm going to be a mother "

" Me too, I'm going to be a Mother ??? Ahahaha Nini. Thank you so much " I said.. I started to tear up... I leaned closer to claim her lips when....

" Wiiiiifeeeyyyy !!! " Chaeng came in and push me aside hugging Jennie...

" Omg ! You made me so worried ... How are you, Im sorry ... I'm so sorry for interrogating you yesterday.. I just want --- "

" Hubby I'm so sorryyyy .... I didn't mean to do that I-- " They both cried on each others hold. They loved each other..... I Love them both that I can't be jealous of Chaeng hahaha

" Jendeuki ! " Jisoo hugged Nini tight... Caressing her hair too...

" Aww chu, I'm ok! "

Nayeon: " Yah neon ! How could you just leave like that ! Do that again and were over"

ohh Kinda scary Nayeon Eonni....

Mina: " Eonni please don't do that, we are here.. Please "

Momo : " Jennie yah... If something happen to you,,.. I'm not gonna eat anymore "

Jennie: " I'm sorry guys, I was just soo stressed and confused lately.. I'm sorry for neglecting you... "

Nayeon: " It's ok! As long as you're ok now. "

Jennie: " By the way, Where's Sana ? "

Nayeon: " There.. flirting with That Kim Dahyun Doctor.. "

" Whaaaattttt ????" Me and Nini yelled in unison.

Momo: " yeahhh , " She said, rolling her eyes.

Sana arrived with a bunch of fruits...

Sana: " Jendeuki ! .... " She cheerfully said, hugging Nini..

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