Chapter 2

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Jisoo's POV

The meeting ended well, we talked about every possibility and opportunity that can lead us to victory. This is our chance , my chance to prove them myself and my team.

" guys, let's do this okay? We can do this ! "

" yeeeessss bosssss ! " everyone cheered.

" yes boss " Rosé flatly answered

She's been like this to me, she's been cold and annoyed every time we're together. She's not like this before.I don't know why tho.

" Hmmmm, maybe I should treat them for a drink " I thought to myself .

Everyone was about to leave the room when I called Rosé to stay. She looked at me with a questioning look.

" Stay , I have something to discuss with you"  I started and she sat infront of me.

" Uhmmmm, we - uhm, I-uhm, I like to ask you for uhmm for help, you know like uhm we're kinda..."

" excuse me boss, why are you shuttering?"
She asked with those curious eyes

" Uhh hahaha , well you know, we haven't speak to each other like this " I said, scratching my not so itchy head.

" Damn ! Jisoo why are you shuttering "  I scolded myself on my mind

" hmm yeah, anyways what is it boss ?... "

" Jisoo, Rosé call me Jisoo like the old days." I said.

" Nahh your my boss now, and we're at the office " she defended.

" Uhmmm, I noticed that we're all working this days, well.... I guess we should at least grab a drink as a team? Before the .. you know, before our hectic schedule starts "

" yeah sure, so I should prepare our shcedule ? I'll check everyone's schedule boss, this week  or next? " she asked.

" As soon as possible , and Rosé... Uh hmm. If ever you know, I offended you in a way, I'm uh- so-r sorry.. " I looked down.

" Boss, don't be like this, this is not so us ! Hahaha " She laugh. Arghh cutte !!!

" Yeah yeah , I don't want anything to get between us OK? , you guys are all important to me " I smiled, she looked away. " weird " I thought.

" Of course boss, thank you, we're done here right? I need to go back if you don't mind " She said.

" yeah yeah sure, you can go, if you need anything for the team dinner tell me okay? "

She nodded and left the room. Leaving me with on this conference room. We don't have our own. We are just borrowing this from time to time. I want my team to have our own too, so we can prepare for our projects comfortably. We are stuck in that small room with only tables and chairs... Tsk ! I'm not complaining because Im the daughter of the owner/CEO It's just that Its not right to put employees on that kind of workplace..

This is my Grandpa's Company.. I'm sure He's not happy knowing this things are happening on the company. Sigh, if I could just say it directly... But I can't. I'm just a mere employee here.

With a heavy heart I gathered all my things and left the room too, not forgetting to check every seats in case we left something.

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