Chapter 20

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I woke up seeing the love of my life snuggling cutely on my side. I carefully tried to reach out and move some hair covering her beautiful face. I looked at her and I  can't believe that this innocent looking lady was my sexy and hot lover last night.

I stared at her for a few more moments and decided to make her an awesome breakfast in bed.

I went in to the kitchen after dressing myself up. Open the fridge and look for something to cook. I'm not a good cook ! Damn and I forget about it  ! Breakfast in bed, your ass Lisa !! You can't even cook an egg !

I ended up making a bread toast, with strawberry Jam and An orange juice. I cooked bacon too.. I don't know if she'd like it but.. Haaayys ! She's always the one making breakfast for us soo, I don't know--"

" Lisaaaaaaaaaaa............. " Shit ! Its Jennie !!

I ran as fast as a could.... When I reach my room there I saw my love covering her face her her hands...

" Baby whyy ! What's wrong?!" I asked worriedly.. As I reach out to remove her hand..

" Lisaaa....... I - " She's blushing real hard .

" Baby what's wrong? Why are blushing huh ? "

"There's bl-- od... blood .... there's blood on the bed Lisa " She said, she's sooooo cute !

" Its ok, I'll wash it later, are you uhhhmmm. Ok ?? Uhmm is it uhmm soore or something? " That earned a hard slap on my shoulder

" Yah !! .... It's not sore I think but... Don't ask like that !"

" Hahahaha sorry baby I'm just worried, it's your first .. I'm your first " I said feeling happy again.

" enough ! Get out and I'll take a shower! "

" We can have breakfast and shower together you know " I said, with a smirk

" I knew it you're a pervert ! "

" pervert for you baby " wink !

" goo Lisa pleaasee " she whines cuute !

" Ok ! I'm planning a breakfast in bed but yeah "

" no way ! Change the bedsheet ! "

" Hahahaha ok ok, come out when your done ok? " and she nod.

After 15 min she came out of my room,wearing my White polo. God ! Sexy as fuck !

" Stop gawking and let's eat "

We spent the whole day at home. Cause she's not very comfortable with a little pain on  her center.

It was nearing dinner when her Mom called looking for her. So, I decided to take her home and spent dinner at her house.

" Jen, when are going to introduce your boyfriend to us? " Her Mom asked. I almost choked at her question.

" Lisa dear, do you know anything? , Chaeng is surely not gonna tell me, she'd rather die than to cheat on Jennie. " She said, rolling her eyes on Jennie. Think Lisa ! Should I say it ? Should we come clean?????

Jennie squeeze my hand under the table, signaling me to stop whatever I'm planning to say.

" Ha. Ha. I don't know Auntie, where always together since the studio became their office extension Hahahah " I awkwardly laugh

" Ohh really... How about you ?"

" ahh hahaha I like someone auntie ,"

" Oohh really hahahaha that's it then, I'm getting worried about you two hahaha I thought you guys are dating or something. "

" Hahaha Mom ! don't be like that " Jennie said smiling and hinting her mom to stop.

" What ?? You two seems really close. Closer than Chaeng, and that jealous freak seems fine about if soooo yeah. I concluded "

" uhm .. It's getting late Auntie, Jen, I should get going.. thanks for the food again Auntie " I said, I'm not gonna breakdown here.

" Ohh yeah , take care ok ? Jen... accompany her outside "

We're outside her door. Fuck ! It hurts ! We both know this but Still..... It hurts as hell. Damn !!!!

" Lis.... I'm .. "

" Go back inside Jen, I'm going home.. It's OK. "

" Call me when you get home, pls lisa "

" I will, "

I left her standing there. As soon as I closed my car door , my tears keeps flowing like crazy. It fucking hurts ! How are we supposed to continue? Is she willing to stay with me? To hurt her mom ???? Is she willing to gamble with me ??

Questions keep popping in my head as I drove away. I went home thinking about a future with Jennie ... If she's willing to join me in the future.

Nini........ What are we going to do.

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