Chapter 31

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I'm now 10 weeks pregnant, no Symptoms yet. We talked about confessing to my Mom. We'll do it tonight. I'm really really scared. I'm on Lisa's House now. Getting ready.

" Nini.... Whatever happens you need to stay as calm as possible ok? you're carrying a life inside you... "  The way she said it. Makes me feel a little less nervous cause I know I can count on her.

" I will try my best . "


We arrived at home, My Mom was in the kitchen preparing for dinner.

" Mom .... "

" Ohh.. Lisa ... Sweety, come here, the food is almost ready.... Your brother is on his way "

" Let me help Auntie... " Lisa offered

" Ohh ok put this on the table. " Mom said giving Lisa the pot .

" Heyyy..... Lisa you here ...! What's for dinner Mom ??, Hi princess !"  Oppa greeted us all.

" Get your ass here and help Lisa prepare the table ! " Mom yelled at him that made him pout.

" Ok ok... "

We started eating, with my oppa being such a weirdo , telling all sorts of idiocy to Lisa.

After Dinner, Mom was about to stand up when Lisa spoke.....

" Auntie....... " She called Mom while holding my hands under the table.

" Yes dear.... ?

She lifted our hands on the table, showing our intertwined fingers to my Mom.

Mom looked at it, confusion was written all over her face.

Taehyung Oppa: " Woahh...... Jen you... "

Mom: " What's with you two ?" She asked although she knew what were going to say.

Lisa: " I love your daughter Auntie.... "

Mom went to Lisa's side and slapped her hard! I was so shock ! Same with Oppa.

Taehyung Oppa: " Mom.... stop it please..... let them be they're not kids anymore !"

Mom: " Jennie go to your room NOW ! "

" Mom please I love Lisa too "

Mom: " Stop it ! You don't love her that way ! You love chaeyoung too right ? It's the same thing as Chaeyoung, this abnormal is making you confused !"

" Don't say that Mom !!! Lisa isn't like that ! " I shouted.

" Nini please calm down... " Lisa trying to calm me down.

" See ???? This is what she's been doing to you.. ! she teaches you to disrespect me !  " My Mom angrily grab my shoulder

" Don't you dare Come here again ! Maybe that's how you are raised in your country But Korea IS DIFFERENT ! go back to Thailand and do not come see my daughter again !!!!"

" i love your daughter, I know you will never accept me as Jennie's lover but Auntie...... I'm a girl that loves your daughter but I'm not a bad person.... " Lisa said crying.....

" I've been judged all my life for being like this! But Jennie..... She never judge me. You raised your daughter well. And I am not gonna hurt her.... Please...... Let me love her . I'm begging you Auntie.... "

Lisa kneel down infront of us, Mom then slapped her hard again.

Taehyung Oppa : " Mom ! Stop it! "


" I'm pregnant Mom. "

" Whaaatt ????, Stop it ! she's a girl and so you are, no ones gonna get pregnant ! "

" I'm a girl with a dick Auntie.... I'm weirder than you thought, I'm not just a dirt... I'm a freak..... " Lisa said, embarrassment , disappointment was all over her face.

" And you get my daughter pregnant ?"

I get the ultrasound on my bag and show it to her, with my name on it.

" You really , how could---"

" Moooom !!! "

She fainted,

" Oppaa !!!!!!"

" My car oppa, let's bring her to the hospital " Lisa offered.

Oppa lifted Mom and put her in the Car, Lisa drove us.

We are waiting outside, Lisa's calming me down while oppa was pacing back and forth outside Mom's room.

The door opens revealing the doctor.

" How's our Mom ????". Taehyung oppa asked.

" She's's fine and in  stable condition now. Stress is not good for her age and I think we all know that. Stop stressing your Mom like this. Here's the medicine she need to take for the time being, we need to monitor her Blood pressure. "

She handed Oppa a piece of paper.

" I'll be checking her from time to time so don't worry, We just need someone to look after her, just in case she needs anything personally... I'll get going now"

" Thanks Doc. " We said, and she left.

" I'll be looking after her, you should go now Jen, You need plenty or rest too, stress isn't good for you too. Let Oppa take all the stress for you girls hahahaha " Oppa said, making me smile a little.

" Princess, I'm the man of the house, I'll take care of Mom and you take care of my little niece or little nephew. " He said, looking at my tummy....

" Oppaaaaaa... " I hugged Him..

" Lisa.... you take care of them !.. I'm counting on you ok?" Lisa nodded

" Update me about Mom.... "

" I will, now go... It's getting late, don't sleep at home for a while. " He added.

" I know, love you.... " I said, and he didn't respond and shoo us away.

Tae oppa 👽:

" I love you too princess, take care of yourself and the baby... Mom will be ok, I promised ! Call me if you need oppa OK? Sleep tight, don't think about this anymore .. I'll take care of this. "

I can't help but cry at his sweetness. He's really the Man of the House now.. Lisa looked at me and I showed her oppa's text message. She smiled and hold my hands and  drive us back to her apartment.

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