Chapter 43

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Jennies POV

I'm due next month.. I'm really really nervous but excited at the same time. I can't wait to see my baby....

Mom's still ignoring my messages but she's doing ok as per Tae Oppa

Jisoo and the squad are doing great too... They are still in Japan. I bet they're happy.. Unlike me.....

I don't know, if it's the pregnancy that makes me a lot more sensitive and needy this days..

Lisa hase been very busy this days, I sleep without her, and woke up without her.. Every time I asked for her time, she would always reason out. Why is she being like this.........

Its 10:00 PM now, I've been trying to call her but no answer.....


Lisa's POV

We are now here at the Bar celebrating our first success... We made a huge improvement on the company's  sales since its downfall when Dad past away a few months ago. Our efforts paid off..

Thanks to this beautiful and kind woman sitting beside me....

" Whyyyyyyyyyy??? " Ohh ! She caught me looking at her.

" Thank you Tzu.... For coming back into my life..... "

" It's nothing Lis, I want to be with you again....... " whaaatttttt???....... No Lisa ! She's drunk. She's not on her right mind now...

" hahaha you're drunk !, hey Sorn,... Your being loud" I said, diverting my attention to my secretary/ friend.

After the party.. I sent Tzuyu home.. I carefully guided her to bed. I was about to leave when she held my hand, eyes looking straight at me..

" Don't leave me again..Lis.... I love you... *sob* I still love* sob* you.... " my God ! She's crying.......

" You're drunk... Come on sleep... "

" Sleep*sob* here... I don't want *sob* to be alone anymore" ..... Why am AI hurting seeing her like this ??

I lay beside her, Hugging her.

" Lisa... when I let you go? Are you happy? "

" huuh?? " I'm confused

" I love you..... but I know you are having a hard time flying back and forth to Thailand.."

I stayed silent and listen to her.

" I'm scared you might lose focus on your studies, I saw how tired you are every time you visit me.. instead or resting on your free time, you visited me... I can't take it anymore... So I decided to end your suffering by leaving you..... "

The fuck ??!!!!

" I pushed you away..... I went to US for Mom's medication... When Mom died 3 years ago... I went back here... And guess what???? I stupidly looked for you...... (She chuckled)

Dad told me you're in South Korea.... I went there... I saw you with that girl.....

I asked Bam about her and I found out your together.. So I went back to the states..

Everyday was a living hell Lisa... Mom is gone and I don't have anyone.... "

I listened to every words she said. I felt her pain...........

I've been there....

Why do fate did this to us Tzu............

Why do you need to comeback when I have Nini now .........

I'm having a baby..............


Why do I want to stay here with you............

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