Chapter 52

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Jennie's POV

I'm on my way to Mom's restaurant with Leo. Mom told me she needed me so badly so I have no choice...

I entered the strangely empty restaurant...

Then there I saw a familiar figure standing infront of the door, looking at me.

" Lisa...... "

" Nini???" she's as confused as me.

" What are you doing here ?" I asked rather harshly.

" I'm sorry, your Mom called me.... I didn't know you're here... I'm sorry.. I'm leaving now .."

She was about to leave when Leo cries....

She stopped on her track, not daring to look back... I can see her reflection on the window.. She's crying........

" Lisa.... Uhnmnn.... Can you help me for a minute??"

I saw how she secretly wiped her tears before turning back..

" What can I do?....."

" Uhnmn.... I need to change his diapers... I need you to hold him for me .... If that's ok. "

" Jen... I-- uhnmm... Let's go upstairs... "

We went upstairs and put baby Leo on the couch.

" I'll just get a warm water for him" She offered and leave.

" Here ...... " She then handed me a basin with the warm water.

" Thanks...."

" I'll hold him still...." she offered

I took off Leo's used diapers then roll it and put it aside. I was about to wipe his butt when he peed on my dress. Leaving me and Lisa laughing hysterically..

" Leo....! That's so rude baby.  ..." I said scolding my smiling baby boy

I look at the still giggling Lisa... God ! I missed her smile. She stopped when she saw staring at her

" Ohh ! Sorry about that.... " still giggling

" Leo's a really good name Jen....." She continued, eyes still on Leo.

" Leo Rubin Kim......"  I completed.

" Leo Rubin... Kim.... " She whispers, smiling but I can clearly see the pain in her eyes.

I'm done changing him when my phone rang. . it's Jisoo.

" Jichu🍗 :

" Jendeuk-ahh !!!! Chaeng.... Chae----"

" What's wrong chu??????"

" We're here at the hospital... We brought her here with her sister....."

" Whaaat??? Omg ! What happened."

" I went to visit her... She said she's not feeling well... An-- d I saw her... ly-.. ing... On the floor. . . "

" Send me the address Chu I'll be there"

I hung up and about to carry Leo with my shaking hands when Lisa stopped me...

" Let's go.. I'll bring you there...."

She drove us to the hospital .. The girls are all there.. They all looked schocked to see Lisa carrying Leo.

" What's happening???.. How is she???" I nervously asked.

" The doctor isn't coming out yet" A crying Alice hugged me.

I sat there quietly, while Lisa was standing beside with Leo looking  up at her.

No one said anything., until the doctor came...

" She's still unconscious... I need to talk to the family " The doctor then summoned her family inside

After what felt like a lifetime.... They came out with a crying Alice on her Dad's embrace.

I stood up and asked what's happening

" Heart failure Jen....." uncle said, that made  my world stop.

" No................" I said, shaking my head.

Mina: " Chaeng..... *sob* Will she get better???"

Nayeon: " The fuck is happening" the positive Nayeon is gone....

Sana: " She'll be okay right? *sob* Jisoo *sob* Say Something. .... "

Jisoo just stand there looking at the floor.

I almost fell when I felt Lisa's hand on my waist holding me in place.

She helped me sit down and keep quiet....

I can clearly see her reddening eyes.

" I need to see her... " I cried pleading ay Chaeng's Dad.

" We do want too Jen, but the doctors told us, we need to keep her in the ICU for a while.."

I went to the window of the ICU, the nurses open it for us to see her.

My gorgeous Hubby is laying there with tubes on her mouth and nose.. I can't look at her. I closed my eyes and put my hands on the glass window , trying my best to send an imaginary hug to her.

" Hang in there hubby......"

Sana Eonni then hugged me and cried on my shoulder.......

" We'll do anything to save her Jen... Let's see what we can do.... We can't just stand here and cry! She's still alive!.." Momo Eonni said, giving us a positive vibes.

" She love you so much to leave you Jen, Chaeng will never leave you.... " Lisa said making me hug her..

" You promised you to stay with me forever! You'll never break your promise hubby right???? "

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