Chapter 9

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Jennie's POV

It's been a week since that encounter with Lisa. I don't know, but she kept me wondering more about her. I tried to search for her on Social media but I can't find anything about her. (weird)

I was sitting on my desk, infront of Jisoo's office, yes, Inside our office, we have this room for Jisoo's office too. I can clearly see how busy she is. So I decided to approached her.

" Hi boss, Coffee?? " I asked

" Thanks Jen, but im fine. Need anything? "

" Naah, you seemed so busy, need help ? "

" No thanks.... ''

" Chu......... you Ok ? "

" Jen, look........... " She said kinda annoyed.

" Ohhh I'm sorry , didn't mean to bother you tho, .... I'll be outside if you need anything " I said and leave the room

" Jen..... I'm sorry " She said, standing infront of my table.

" No, it's ok really, you just seems so stress and you know. I'm worried. If it's work, we're here, we're a team remember??? "

" yeah I know, coffee ?? " She asked with a smile. Aigooo~~ I knew it.

" yeah lez go ! , everyone coffee break let's go! " I said , clapping my hands to get everyone's attention.

" Yooosh.. Finally ! I need a break !" Momo exaggeratedly stated.

" Yaaahhh ~~ let's goo " Our cutie sexy Sana said.


Jisoo's POV

I didn't mean to shoo her away earlier. I just need to finish work early, to accompany Lisa today. But I regretted doing it ! Shit ! That looks on her face earlier made a  sting feeling in my heart. So I decided to asked her for a coffee to at least get my mind off everything. She's my stress reliever actually. It's really nice to just look at her every time I need to recharge my self. What an awesome office I have ! Hahahaha But to my dismay, she called everybody ., don't get me wrong, i don't hate them, its just... I want an alone time with her. But of course, Nayeon's unbeatable voice is what I am hearing right now.

" Yah ! That's mine ! Tssk ! " Nayeon shouted at Momo.

" Eonnieeee ! Just a bite pleaaaaasse " Aigooo Momo's aegyo hahahaha

" Hubby , give me a bite of that too " Chaeyoung of course. I looked at Jennie giving her food to Chaeng, Im so  jealous of this two, they are like a real couple ,.. How I wish it was me.... It was me who's holding her hand right now. I wish I'm Chaeyoung...

I really like Jennie since the day I met her. But my feelings grew deeper as I get to know her. Her bad ass attitude when she's not in the mood hahaha, her resting bitch face when she's annoyed, her gummy smile, her cute laugh. I love you Jennie, I just can't say it now, cause I know.... you're not into girls. I knew it! your mom hates it. Not really hates those people, but don't really accept them. And I know it'll put our friendship in danger. I don't wanna lose you. I know one day you'll find someone, just by thinking about it, hurts ! It freaking hurts. But gonna accept the truth that you're out of my league.

" Wooah wooaah ! boss ! Omg ! you OK ? "

I heard Chaeng's worried voice. I looked at her direction and saw everyone is looking at me worriedly. Oh shit ! A tear escaped my eyes ! ...Reaaaaaaallllllllyyyyy Jisoo???! You freaking cry infront of everyone ? In the Cafeteria ?!!!

" Ahhh ! Hahahahah naaah.. I'm sleepy that's why, and maybe I've been facing the computer screen too much !... aigooooo~ I need to let my eyes check... are you guys done? I'll head back to my office " I said and left, ignoring Jennie's worried eyes and a slight pang on my chest.

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