Chapter 48

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Third Person POV

Jennies been in labor for almost 18 hours since last night.

After what like forever to her, She saw the doctor and nurses came in wearing surgical gloves , then positioned themselves infront of her opening.

" Open your legs widely Ms. Kim we'll check you again "

" Arrggggghhhhh.... Hubb-" Another contraction came in..... She held Chaengs  hand for support.

She knew she's hurting her hubby every time she squeeze her hands but She can't help it, She needs her.

" Hmm. Your good to push now, 10 cm dilated already,"  Jennie looked at Chaeng and Earned a forced smile from her best friend.

" Ok, Ms. Kim you're about to contract, I need you to push for 10 seconds at least ok?"

She nodded feeling another contraction.

" Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhh......! She pushed

" goood ! Breath out..." she do as she told.

" Breath in and andddd...... Push !"

" Ammmmmmmppppphhh... Hah! " Jennie pushed and pushed until she felt herself weaken.

" Come on Ms. Kim don't stop, you're almost there, the baby's head is crowning.. "  encouraged the doctor.

" Hmmmmpppp.... Hah! *pants* I can't... "

" No, wifey..... Did you hear that?? The baby's almost here... Come on! Breath in and out ! Its ok...... You're doing soooo gooood " Chaeng encourage her, while tears kept flowing from her eyes.

" Push ! "

Jennie pushed again and again,

" good ! Head's out... try reaching out for your baby's head Ms Kim.. feel it... "

Jennie sneak her hands on her opening and almost choked on her tears when she finally touch her baby.

" Yeah one more strong push and it'll be over... On the next contraction Ms Kim..."

Jennie closed her eyes, took a deep breath anddd.......

" Hnmmnpppp... Arrrghhhh ! Ahhhh ! Lisaaaaaaaa ! "

Jennie's and Chaeyoung's Heart stopped beating when they heard a loud cry filling the room...

They looked at the baby, crying and squirming on the doctor's hold.

" It's a healthy baby boy...Here Mommy hold him, do you want to cut the cords Miss??....."  The doctor said, handling the baby to Jennie. Then looked at Chaeng.

" Me....? " Chaeng asked wiping her tears..

Chaeng cut the cords and watched Jennie as she held her baby on her arms. She can't stop crying from happiness.

" Come here hubby... looked at him.. He's perfect. ... " Jennie weakly asked Chaeng..

Chaeng nodded and hold the baby's tiny fingers.

" We need to clean him up and check him, we'll bring him back to you Ms Kim, take a rest." The nurse announced and carry the baby away.

" See, you did great!... He's perfect wifey, just like you.....Sleep now, take a rest... Ill take care of everything... " Chaeng said as she kissed Jennie's forehead.

Jennie slept, unable to reply back.

Meanwhile, Jisoo and the girls froze when they heard the baby's cry.

Jisoo: " The baby's here..... " Tearing up

Nayeon: " I'm an Auntie Now...omg..." Crying

Momo: " The baby's out! Omg.... I'm too old now" Crying

Sana: " Omg........ Jennie did it..." Crying too

Mina: " I hope they're both safe and healthy.." Of course it's Mina.

The doctor came out and surrounded by the girls like a celebrity.

" How's the baby???

What's the baby???

Boy or girl ?????

Is the baby healthy??????

How about our friend????????"

The doctor chuckles and nodded.

"They're both ok.. The mother is sleeping, she's tired from all the pain and pushing so she needs rest. Its a baby boy, He needs to get cleaned and a further checkups.. You can see your sister inside. "

They all bowed and thanked the Doctor and went inside, seeing a sleeping Jennie with a still crying Chipmunk...

Nayeon: " She's ok now . Chaeng, stop crying"

Jisoo: " Its all over now Chaeng, you need to rest too, you've done a great job for her"

Sana: " it's not yet over chu, It's just the start...."

Mina: " After this... she will surely missed Lisa... they say, those women who just gave birth are more emotional and sensitive than the pregnant one"

Momo: " Sigh, we need a million gallons of patience for our Jendeuk."

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