Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

It was Jennie's Birthday and everyone gathered at Lisa's studio, well they decided to used and decorate Lisa's rooftop and surprised Jennie.

Everyone was there including Jennie's Mom , Taehyung and His Girlfriend Sowon. They are all eating and having a good time. Time passed by and its already 10 PM When Taehyung told everyone that They're going home, including their Mom. Everyone bid them goodbye.

When her family left. Lisa held Jennie's hand and stood up.

" Uhm... Guys, .... We have something to tell you " Lisa trying to stay as calm as she could.

" You guys are dating .... " Nayeon boringly said.

" What ?? You knew ? Jen , you told them ? ... I thought ... " Lisa looked at Jennie confused.

" What noo ! Hubby ? You're the only who...... "

" I didn't ! " Chaeng said,

" You guys are so , obvious ! We all expected it anyway, " Mina said looking at Sana , Momo and Nayeon. Who all nods in agreement.

Meanwhile, Jisoo was not shock but forced herself to smile and clapped, acknowledging their relationship. Chaeng and Nayeon looked at her. Chaeng knew... She knew it all along. That's why she told Lisa to stop, to make Jisoo happy. But seeing Jennie developed a feelings for Lisa, Chaeyoung helped Lisa to get Jennie and try her best to be there for Jisoo. Knowing Jennie has someone looking after her now.

Nayeon on the other hand, knew it too, she's been watching her friend all this time and noticed how she smiles at her, how she looked at her and how her mood changes when Jennie arrived at the office. She's been in love herself too, so she knew how it looks like when someone is liking someone.

" Congrats guys ! wooaahh Limarioo ! You really are awesome huh ? Take care of our Jendeukie !!! Or else Chaeng will kill you and I'll cremate you ! " Jisoo said, teasing the unaware Lisa.

" This is it Chu, She's the one " Lisa said Looking intently on Jennie.

Momo : " Eiiiiiwwww guys , waaait .. Stop "

" As much as we're happy for you guys, could you not do that infront of us ?.... Stop slapping us the reality that we're all broke here . " Sana said, rolling her eyes.

" Oh , right ! Soooo Nini, since everyone knew about us ! I'll call you Nini now yeeeeyyy ! " Lisa exclaimed.

Mina : " Aww that's cutte hahaha "

Chaeng : " hah ! Just don't forget she's my wifey "

Lisa : " Well from now on She's m--- "

Chaeng : " don't you dare Lisa " Glared at Lisa.

Lisa: " Mhmm -ayy Girl .. She's my girl now Chaeng hahaha "

Chaeng : " Tsk ! A single tear will cause you your life Lalisa Manoban " 

Lisa : " Nini, why is she like that ? "

Jennie : " naahh You have to deal with her too "

" Exactly wifey " Chaeng said, snatching Jennie from Lisa's hold, which earned a whine from Lisa and big laughter from everyone .

The party ended well, with Jisoo giving Rosé a ride home.

" You really love Lisa huh " Chaeng said, breaking the Silence.

" Of course Chaeng, you love Jennie too right ? "

" Yeah and you love her too .... "

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