Chapter 28

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I woke up, feeling someone holding my hand. I look beside me and saw my Mom sleeping peacefully on the Chair with Taehyung Oppa on the couch...

" Mom..... "

" Ohhh sweety.... Your awake , how are you feeling? "  I can clearly see the tiredness and worry on her eyes.

" I'm feeling better Mom.. I'm sorry, " I said, tears starting to build up.

" Hushh babyy... Its ok.... I'll call the Doctor ok, ? " I nod,

She get up and went to my brother's side to wake him up.

" Tae, get Jennie a food, come on , your sister's awake , I'll just get the doctor

" Ohh ok... Heyy,, what do you want princess ? " Oppa cooed, walking towards me.

" Anything... Oppa thank you "

" Ohh I knew your favorite haha, I'll be back ok? Wait for Mom." He said, kissing my forehead. I nod,  feeling grateful.

After a while, Mom arrived with the Doctor.

" Hi Miss Kim? , I'm Kim Dahyun, Your Doctor.. Ummm.... Can I talk to you in private? "

I looked at my mom and she left the room leaving me and Dr. Kim alone.

" Uhmm.. As you Can see, Im an OB. "  I'm confused now

" uhmm... You were brought here by my friend last night. she found you unconscious on the street"

" Ohhh, I should thank her "

" Uhmm. I found your phone and called your Hubby, And I found out she's a girl so I didn't tell anyone this yet, I waited for you to regain consciousness. "

She's confusing me.

" Your  4 weeks pregnant Ms Kim.... "
I felt my world stopped

" I-- uhm ... " I can't process anything right now

" I respect your privacy that's why I told you first , you maybe in a confused state right now, but one thing to remember... Stress is not good for the baby,"

The first words came out of my mouth was...

" Don't tell anyone Doc please. "

" Like I said, I respect my patients privacy, Ill be leaving now ok ? Don't stress yourself, call me if you need me OK ?" She said and handed me a paper with her no. written on it.

I nodded and she left.

I don't know what to do. Lisa made me pregnant... My Mom will......

' Hey, what was that about baby... "

" Ahh she-, she told me about her friend who brought me here. " I didn't say about the pregnancy, I need Lisa.

" she told everyone about it, why do I need to go out "

" She told me that I need to take followup check up Mom since They didn't check my head yet, they didn't know if I bump it or something. " I lied. Sorrryyyyy Mooommmy.

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