Chapter 55

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Lisa's POV

We are waiting here at the cemetery for the girls....

Chaeng: " wifeyyyy.....! Baby..... Leo!!" She greeted rather excitedly

It's been 2 months since she and Jisoo left for their Honeymoon, yes ! They're married now, and so are we.

Jennie: " hubby... I missed youu.... How was it ?" Nini was smirking at get... Oh god ! I think I know what she's thinking....

Chaeng: " Ohh ! It was awesome !... " She said with her infamous Aussie accent.


MiChaeng then arrived with flowers too.. followed by Saida, Najeong and MoJi...

They are all couple now... Mina and my friend Chaeyoung has been dating for 2 years... Finally Mina said yes.

Sana's flirting with Doctor Kim, paid off 3 years ago . when the doctor finally asked her to be her girl. Andd of course ! Our Sana didn't miss the chance and grabbed the trophy.

Momo meet this Jihyo girl last year and well yeah... They clicked and we all love her too..

Nayeon and Jeongyeon got married 2 years ago with Baby Kuku.. That's there baby's nick name....

They all went to give Tzuyu a respect and pray for her

" Where ever you are right now Tzu, I hope you're happy with your Mom..... I hope there's no more pain for you up there.... Thank you for everything. ...... Thank you for a gift of a second life to our dearest friend......"


4 years ago.... Tzuyu was diagnosed with brain cancer, just like her late mother.

Tzuyu didn't tell Lisa until after a year. She's getting weaker and weaker.

She asked her father to meet Lisa again.....

Lisa then visited her after hearing the news.

Lisa: " Tzu....? " She walked towards her bed and sat down still can't believe the situation.

Tzu : " Hi Lis.... Its been a while.. How are you... And Jennie?? That's her name right??"

Lisa: " Yeah... We're doing good.... How are you..."

Tzu: " I dont know.... Lately I'm not feeling pain anymore" She said, with a smile.

Lisa: " That's good to hear... Get well soon and I'll introduce you to my friends in Korea and My Baby.... Look how adorable he is..." Lisa showed Tzuyu Leo's photo...

Tzuyu: " I can see how happy you are.... And I'm so glad... Thank her for me ok????".

Lisa: " Hey... Don't be like that'll meet her soon"

Tzuyu: " I don't think I will Lis.  ..."

Lisa: " Heyy...... pleaase ...... hang on there... * sob* what is wrong*sob* with the world ! * sob* why is everyone suffering now.."

Tzuyu : " What's wrong???"

Lisa: " My friend..... Chaeyoung is in need of a heart donor.... And you are sick too"

Tzuyu smile : " Check my blood type, I'm sure my heart is still healthy.  "

Lisa : " Whaaaattttt??? NOW WAY ! YOU'RE BOTH GOING TO BE OKAY !!!"

Tzuyu just smile and spent her with Lisa until after a week together.........

" Time of death 8:15 AM"   The doctor announced one morning and left Lisa in the room

Her father was there and give Lisa the letter and approval of Donating Tzuyu's heart to Park Chaeyoung.

" Dear Lisa,

I'm so happy to be able to spent time with you again, You made me happy again Lis... I'm sorry for ruining your relationship with her. But I know, she's the one for you.

I have a lot more to say but I wouldn't write if here haha.... I'm too lazy to  write and you are too lazy to read.

I just want to asked for a favor ...

When I died? Can you burry me near you? Haha sorry I just want you to remember me once in a while, I know dad wouldn't do that for me so I'm asking you.... If Jennie didn't mind of course!

I'll always look after you from heaven, I love you always Lis......

                                                               - with love Tzu

End of flashback

Rose's POV

I'm standing infront of the grave of someone who gifted me another chance to live.

" Thank you..... I promised to take care of your heart... I will take care of Lisa and Jisoo too .... "

" Thank you Tzuyu-yah for giving me a chance to love the girl destined for me.. I'm sorry for not being there but... I love you always ok??? I'll take extra care of your heart... " Jisoo said, tearing up again.

We all bowed and left the Cemetery with a thankful heart to a person we never met but felt like family to us too.

" In another life, let's meet again Tzuyu and lets be friends too... In this lifetime, we may not be able see each other but you've given me, us the part of you that we will always cherish for the rest of our lives.... Be happy up there our beautiful Angel.."

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