Chapter 22

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Finally it's time to go home ! We planned to go home early today since Jisoo isn't here.
When we step out of the building, I saw Lisa standing outside her car probably waiting for me. I excitedly run towards my love ..

" Lili ....... " I said as I hug her tight. Gosh ! I missed her.

" I missed you nini.."

"I missed you too love... " I said, as looked into her eyes, she's about to kiss me when...

" Ahem!.. " ovvv coorzzz ! My hubby is here.

" Ohh ! Hi chipmunk ! " Lisa said, earning a stern look from my hubby.

" Hey ! Lisaaaaaa .... " The girls call out for her.

" Eonnie-deul !!... Minaa annyeong ! " She greeted them excitedly..

" Hey, How have you been " Mina asked.

" Ohhh kinda busy hahaha"

" We've been asking Jennie about your whereabouts, she doesn't even know? Do you guys even in a relationship? " Nayeon eonni said

" yaaaahhhh... Don't be like that eonni." Sana said warning Nayeon.

" Arraseo! " Nayeon replied

" Hahaha I've been busy lately, I'm sorry guys... " Yeahhh ... She forget about me.

" Let's go home guys, someone's annoyed Hahahaha " Nayeon said, teasing me.

" Ohhh finally ! "

" Hahahaha ok ok we're going now ! Chaeng come with us ! " Momo uttered.

" Whaaatt ??? No hubby we're taking you home "

" No wifey it's ok... besides, you haven't seen each other in a while, Annnnndddd ! you've been with me all those times. " Chaeng said and winked, teasing Lisa hahaha

" Tsk ! , but Chaeng let me drive you home. "

" Naaaahhhhh. It's ok. ! I'll be going now ,byee ! Lisa take Care of my wifey ! A scratch and you're dead ok ?" she said walking away with the rest of the girls.

" Let's go love...? "

As soon as we entered the car I kiss her soooo hard, she responded by biting my lower lip, She entered her tongue on my mouth which earned a low moan from me. We both are hungry for each other , the kissed slowly turned into long, sweet kiss, she's caressing my face with her palm while exploring my mouth with her tongue... This is soo perfect ! It feels right, I can't imagine kissing someone else. My lips belongs to her, to Lalisa Manoban.

She broke the kiss and looked at me... Those eyes..... My heart swelled with pride every time I realized that it's me she's looking at.

" I love you Nini, god ! I love you... "

" I love you too Lisa... I missed you "

" Let's go somewhere, are you hungry ? "

" Yeahhhh " I said with a pout.

" Awww my baby.... You hungry... Let's eat then. "

We arrived at the restaurant and Lisa ordered the food for us. When we're done eating ......

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