Chapter 41 (part 2 M)

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Jennie's POV

I missed her, I'm feeling really horny right now. I don't know, I want her inside me. So I grab his cock and jerk it while looking straight into her.

" Ahh..Nini... Hmm "

" Put it in baby..... "

" Let me eat you first... " She said and moved down south still looking at me.

" Ahh..... Lisa... Ah ahh ahh. Yesss... "  She's licking my pussy through my panty.

" You're so wet for me Nini.." she said as she guided me to remove my panty.

" Ahh.. Ah ahhhh... Ah.. God...hmm lisa... Nghh.. " She licks my fold

" Ahh.ahhh Lisa ! Inside baby.. I can't take it anymore..."

" What do you want baby... " fuck her teasing.

" Your cock love.. Pleas hmm... Ahh... " She's still licking me.

" hmmm...hmm "

" ahh ! Ahhh yesss god ! Lisa ahh ahh ahh.... " She thrusts her tongue inside then push and pull at a  fast pace.

" Ahh ! Ahh.. Lissa... Its feels goood my God ! Nggghh.... " I moaned louder it's so good. ! I grab the pillow beside me, holding on to something

" Ahh ! Ahhh ahhh ahh ah ahh.... I'm cumming.... Lisaaa... I'm gonna cum ! Ahh nghhhhhh........ " I released on her mouth

" You ok love.." she asked rubbing my tummy.

" Yeah put it inside Lili.... "  She then grab a pillow and put it inder my hips for support.

She then position her cock infront of my entrance.

" I'm going in Nini.. You ready..? " She always asked permission.

I nod and moaned at the contact.

" Hmmm.. Still tight Nini.. "

" Ahh ahh ahh... More... " I want more of her, she's being too careful.

" hmmm... Ahh , its okay right..hmm." she asked still trusting

" Lisa... Faster baby... please...hmmmm ahh ahh ahh ahhhh... " She fasten her pace

" Lisssaaaa uhhhgg...  Faster...... Ahh ahhh" Shes groaning above me.

" Ahh ahhh ahhhh Lisa... Uhhggg... Ugh ! Ahhh ahhh " she moved faster.

" Nini...hmmmm...ugh ughhnn.. Fuck ! Ahh"
He's close I can feel it. So am I.

" ughh ! Ahh ahhh Lisa.. I'm cumming again baby... Ahhh ahhh "

" Cum now baby.. shower me with your juice ! Ughh... Fuck ! Aahhh.. " She moaned still keeping his thrust.

" I'm gonna cum ! Ahh...ahh... Ughg Lisa.. Ahhh ahhh Lisaaa ! Nggghhhh...... " I came undone. I'm still breathless while lisa keeps her thrust with the same pace.

Shes panting on top of me.

" Lili cum... Cum daddy... Cum inside me.. Mmm " I said, encouraging her

" Nini... Ugh ! Ahh ahhh fuck ! I'm close hmm ! Ahh ahh ahh.... " She's nearing it.

" Ughhhhhh...... ! Ahhhhhhhhhhh fuck ! Shit shit shit !! Nini Ahhhhghhhh....... " She froze and growl on top of me.

Then her cum spill inside me, I felt her warm seeds inside. She pull out then collapse beside me..

" That was awesome love... I love you... "
She drowsily speak

I didn't answer as I drifted off to sleep.....


Third Person's POV

" argghhh !.. Ahhhh ! "

Jennie woke up in the middle of the night feeling an intense pain on her stomach. She quickly reach out for Lisa, trying to wake up her lover


" Lisa.... Ahh.... Wake upp lili.. My tummy hurts... " she said, with a labored breath, while rubbing her belly in circular motion.

" Hmmm... " Lisa groans then turned around.

" *pants*..... Hmm... Lisa ! " Jennie finally shouted, cause the pain's getting intense.

" Whattt.... What's wrong????.. " Lisa asked still sleepy.

" ugh... My *pants* tummy... Ahh!! " Jennie said, panting.

" Shit ! Waiit waiit...... Shiiitt what the fuck !! Doctor..... ! Where's the- what----......"

" Bring me *pants* to the *pants* hospital idiot! Argh.. !!! Lisa!" Lisa finally gets back to earth and run to Jennie's side. While dialing someone.

" Get the car ready ! Help me bring Jennie downstairs !! NOW !!! " She yelled on the phone.

Lisa lift Jenny and carry her bridal style , When they arrived at the main door the car was already there waiting.

" Babby.... It's ok,. I'm here, hold my hand.. " Lisa said, comforting her girlfriend.

" Arrggggh.. ! It hurts... Lisa.. It's still too early .... It should be *pants * next next month...argg ahh... ! what's going on.... " Jennie cried still battling the pain.

They arrived at the hospital, Lisa's anxiously waiting  outside the room for the doctor's update. She saw it coming but She's not ready, she was panicking so hard earlier, that made her feel bad about Jennie and their baby.

After what felt like forever to Lisa, the doctor opened the door and let her in. Seeing her still sleeping girlfriend, made her a little confused.The doctor noticed and explained everything.

" Ahh... So she's not yet in labor it's just .. Uhmm false labor.. whooo! I thought our baby's coming out hehehe.... "

" It's a normal thing for pregnant women. .. If anything serious happens like bleeding or flowing liquid on her opening you should contact me immediately OK... "

She nodded and let the doctor go, looking at her sleeping beauty..

" I don't know if I could bare to see you in such pain soon love... "

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