Chapter 12

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Jennie's POV

Jisoo asked me to get something on the Balcony for her, she said she left her purse there. I went upstairs, as I opened the door I saw someone sitting on the chair, Im facing her back. I was about to asked when she suddenly turned around and...........


Lisa's POV

I felt a figure on the door on my back, I turned around and.................


Third Person POV

Lisa and Jennie looked at each other, their eyes met.........

No one dared to look away or to take a step.

Then........  !! *  * * ! * * *! A fireworks lighted up the sky above them, making them broke the eye contact.

Lisa's POV

I was startled but gained my composure fast. I felt my world suddenly stop, I can't hear anything but my heartbeat. I was looking at the girl I've been dying to see all this time. Her Simple outfit that made her look simply amazing. Her light makeup, her cuttee little confused and shocked face. she's here infront of me..........

Jennie's POV

A sudden fireworks caught me off guard. But I again gain my composure back. I looked at her again mesmerize by her beauty, and a little confused on how on earth she's there standing infront of me, with an elegant looking dinner and a bright  fireworks above us.

She's walking on my direction and stopped.

" Hi Ms. Stranger , I've been looking for you all this time. " She said , not breaking eye contact.

" Hi Lisa, Merry Christmas " I said, I didnt know what to say , the fuck !

" Merry Christmas, hmmmm... " She asked raising eyebrows.

" why are you here? ,waiit I need to find Jisoo's purse ". I said remembering the reason why I'm hear.

" ohhh you know, Jisoo ?, sooooo you're the one who's talking on the phone with someone earlier !???? " She asked, slightly shocked

" You knew Jisoo too?! "

"Yes ! She's my cousin"

"Whuuuuuuuut ?"

" Yeahhh Omg ! She knew I was looking for you "

" Omg ! Did she....... " I blurted out

" Shiiit did she............. " Lisa also..

" Prepare this for us " we said together.


After a really busy schedule, Jisoo decided to surprise Lisa , she went to Lisa's place and prepare Dinner for them. She decided to change into a more comfortable clothes. She entered Lisa's room to change when she saw a portrait...

It was Jennie, the love of her life...........


Third Person POV

While the two of them are finally connecting the dots. Someone outside was looking at them smiling with a tears that can't seem to stop flowing from her eyes. Jisoo stood there, clenching her chest. Her tears couldn't stop flowing.

" You did it Jisoo, for Lisa.. It's for Lisa.., she's happy..., look at your baby sister, she's so happy " Jisoo said to her self still crying.

Lisa asked Jennie to seat and offer her a wine. They're beyond happy.

" Hey, what's your name .... " Lisa asked whining.

" hmmnm"

" please, I can get it from Jisoo but I want to hear it from you "

" Jennie, "

" Jennie kim, I'm Jennie Kim " Jennie said smiling at Lisa.

They talked about life and many more things, not noticing the time. Jisoo on the other hand, left an our after she saw them settled down. She forced herself to get up and drove home.

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