Chapter 1

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Third person [POV]

Jennie Kim is on her way to her office, the same route she takes for almost 2 years now since she started working at " Kim's Enterprises INC ". She was accepted here 2 years ago with her best friend Rosé. She's a Team leader, Rosé's TL. They always went to work together. Riding the subway / bus everyday, same Day off and same office . yaah they are best friend indeed ! They are closed enough to exchange souls with each other.

Jennies POV

Im on the subway with my hubby Rosé on our way to the office, as usual we talked as if we didn't chat before we went to sleep last night, I don't know why, but Rosé has been with me since diapers. We both came from a middle class family, same school, same neighborhood, same squad and same goals ! I never ever get tired of hearing her rants, her jokes , her annoying Aegyo and of course my Hubby's amazing vocals. God !she have this amazing voice that can make a sad person happy and a happy person sad. Yeees ! When she sang a sad song , she can make you literally sad as f*** hahahahaha my hubby's voice is such a jackpot! She's super cute too with her chipmunk like cheeks, her cute single eyelid eyes that can captivate everyone, a perfect set of teeth and a kissable lips . God ! I love her , sooo much that I sometimes wonder, how does it feel to be like her.

" Wifey!! "  Chaeng shouted at my face annoyed. Sooooo cute !

" Are you even listening? "

" yeees yesss I am, "

"Ohhh ? , so what was I talking about then??"

" uhh,.. Oo oh ! We're here ! Let's go! " hahaha I'm safe for the day !

We entered the company and upon entering the elevator, My hubby's cheerful face turned into a very cute annoyed face ! Hahahaha And before I even look at the person, I knew who it was,  It's Jisoo our Gorgeous Manager .. She's beyond perfection! Her face, her hair, that heart shaped lips that makes everyone's day brighter than the sun when she smiles at you ! Her sense of fashion that makes us look old fashioned.. We'll not my Hubby Chaeng coz she's stunning everyday duhhhh...

" Morning beautiful ladies "(wink!) Jisoo said smiling

" Morning Boss" Chaeng flatly said.

" Morning boss, you look great ! As always " I greeted, annoying hubby even more.

" We'll we have a meeting today after lunch, see you two! See yah Rosé "  ( She smiled and left the elevator leaving me giggling and my Hubby with an annoyed face.

" tsk ! Feeler ! If she wasn't our boss , I would've rolled my eyes on her ! " Chaeng irritatingly said.

" What's so feeler about it? She just greeted us! , and besides she's nice, stop being bitter just because she's greeting everyone and smiling to everyone. Don't be too possessive hubby " I said , annoying her to the fullest !

" hah ! What are you saying! She's not even my type ! "  She defensively said .

" wooah , wooah, I didnt say it that way ". I teased .

" Whatever ! I going to my table ! Don't talk to me for a while I dont like you at the moment ". rolled eyes.

" ok ! Love you too " I said as I slapped her butt ! Which earned a warning look from her .. Ooops ! angry chipmunk


We ate together like usual, we chatted and laugh and talk about the upcoming meeting. Me , Chaeng , Nayeon, Sana, Mina , Momo and Jisoo are on the same table. Yes Jisoo, She's our manager but she's our friend too, she just got promoted last last month to be our manager and me in exchange of her position as a Team leader.

" We need to prepare for this meeting, the board of directors are going to check this project, and it's our first major project ever ! I want us to get this ! this is our chance ! I want us all to show them what we're capable of . " She said, clenching her fist.

I've never seen her so eager like this. I forget to tell you that... yeaah, we're the loser team. We're all rookies , fresh graduates when we got here. Everyone was bossing us around, asking for coffee and everything. But when she came here, everyone was murmuring about her being hired because of her family. But that didn't make her sulk or cry. Sometimes we asked her about it and she's just like " Im Jisoo, I'm OK! " And with that, we had an amazing team with a great manager and a beautiful team leader .

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