Chapter 11

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December 24 , 6:00 PM :

Jisoo's team decided to have a Celebration/ Christmas Party on this day, since 3 members are from Japan, the team decided  to spent it with them this year.

Jisoo : " Sooo guys ! Congrats !!! ,we  made it ! After more than 2 years ! " she stated, teary eyed.

Mina : " Thank you guys, you don't have to do this tho, you should be with your family"

Momo : " Yeah, we're okay , it's just another Christmas "

Sana: " we can call them anyways, and besides, we live together on the same apartment, its not that lonely "

Nayeon: " Are you, pushing as away ?  I postponed my date to spend it with you, you bitches !!! "

Mosami: " Hahahahaha naaahhh it's not like that,.... Nayeon Eonni saranghae !"

Jisoo shakes her head on her team's antics ,again.

10:00 PM :

Jisoo called Lisa and invite her to join them . Lisa was with her family that time but agreed anyway.

10:45 PM

Lisa arrived on the said place, the same Restobar as always.( Jisoo's team's fav place) they booked the whole floor for them. Lisa brought her gift for Jisoo and for the rest of them are a simple souvenir from Thailand.

She looked at everyone and noticed an unfamiliar figure. When Jisoo appeared.

Jisoo : " Lis........ you're here, take a seat ! oohhh this is Park Chaeyoung, She's on our team too, not present that day. Ohhh andd uhmmmm Jennie... She's talking to someone on the phone ,.. She'll be back "

Chaeng: " Hi, Uhmmmm Chaeyoung, you can call me Rosé or Chaeng , annnd you are ? " She said, offering Lisa her hand.

Lisa: " ohhh why Rosé your not Korean too? "

Chaeng: " I am, I just have an English name when I went to Australia, annnd ooohhh wait ... waiiiit excuse meee.. Sooorryyy soorryyy, I just need to answer this " Chaeng said as her phone rang, living Lisa at the table.

NaMoSaMi: " Ohhh Lisaa !! Haiii, its been so long "

Lisa : " Yeah how are you guys ?, oh by the way , connnggraaatttss !!!! "

Chaeng on the other hand excused herself before the 4 girls arrived , completely forgetting to get Lisa's name, and followed Jennie after talking to her sister.

Chaeng : " Wifey, until when???????"

Jennie : " HAHAHAHAHA, ok okay, Oppa gotta go, Chaeng's being jealous again.

Jennie hanged up the phone and went inside.

11:30 PM

Jisoo called Jennie outside and talked to her, gave her the Christmas gift she bought.

While talking,  Jisoo asked everyone to leave and that She prepared something at the office, leaving Jennie behind telling her they need to talk. 

11:55 PM:

Lisa is waiting patiently for Jisoo, She prepared everything that her cousin told her. (They kinda decorated the opposite side of the Restobar. That's why Jennie didn't see Lisa when she came back)
The Chocolate Cake, and the wine. With an elegant looking dinner at the Balcony with a beautiful view of Seoul City night.

" Tsk ! So a dinner date with me ! you bitch ! , you should've prepared this alone and surprise me !, soooooo this is my gift , very nice Jisoo your so nice ...." Lisa murmurs while rolling her eyes at the thought of Jisoo making her prepare all this for their dinner, while she bid goodbye to her friends.

Lost in her thoughts she heard footsteps nearing her direction and not paying much attention knowing its just Jisoo, She sat on the table, opening the wine and ready to scold Jisoo.......

When she turned around..........

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