Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV

I just graduated this year, my parents owns a company but I don't feel like getting involved in it. I am an Architecture graduate. I don't know what to do next tho.

I was here at my apartment looking at the ceiling, after finishing college, I suddenly felt lost. My family is in Thailand. My friends and my life was in Thailand. It was where my place is. I missed my home, I missed her ..... I know it's been two years since we broke up but still.... She's still here. (pointing at her chest)

Sigh, I should go out. I decided to visit my cousin Jisoo but to my dismay she's going overtime today and apologize with a tempting promise of introducing me to her beautiful friends ! Hah ! Youuuu better be Kim Jisoo !

Ohhh !  I forgot to introduce myself ! I'm Lalisa Manoban, Thai, yess I'm from Thailand. I came here 2 years ago, continuing my last year of Architecture course. I left Thailand to forget about her, to see new things ,to find myself and to start a new life maybe? I'm always with Jisoo but I haven't met her friends cause I can't, I kinda distance myself to the world and focused on my study, I would've lost my mind if it wasn't for Jisoo. She's always there for me. And today , after I graduated last month , I felt so bored and I'm ready to face the world again.

Since that Chicken couldn't spent time with me , I decided to go out on my own. I didn't bring my car with me, I want to try how local people live. I decided to ride a train. I went to the subway and I was so shocked to see a lot of people waiting on the line. When I got in, every thing was new to me, don't get me wrong , Thailand has it too, but not like this, they are so quiet . I was looking at the window when the train suddenly stopped, I didn't know where to go, but decided to just explore this place where it stopped. When I got outside of the subway, I didn't know it was raining.

"sigh, I should've just stay at home". While waiting for the rain to stop, I noticed a girl with a Black floral umbrella, I looked at her and she noticed me staring at her. She raised her eyebrows and I asked

" Hi, do you know any Café nearby? "

" yeah, There's a café nearby, it's around that corner " She said, pointing at a certain direction. I couldn't focused on where is she pointing at,  coz damn ! She's so cute with that reading glasses on.

" I don't have an umbrella sorry, are you going that way too? "

She looked hesitant at first but said yes. " OK, I'm going that way as well, so yeah sure"

I tried to offer to hold the umbrella coz she's kinda smaller than me, but .....

" No way, who knows you might run away with my precious umbrella " She casually said.

I was taken a back and laugh ! " Hahahahahahahaha " i laughed out loud making people look at me questioningly.
I don't care tho, It's been so long.

" Hahahahahaha " She then laugh as well, she's sooo cute, we laugh together while walking in the rain and I offered her a coffee. And she said yes.

We entered  café still giggling. We sat down facing each other.

" Thanks " I said.

" Nahhh, your treating me today " She said casually. My god ! we're natural. It's as if we've been together for a long time. I like it! I like this feeling, I want her around.

" suuure, I owe you this one , so what's yours? " I asked.

" I don't usually eat here. I'm not familiar with the food. I don't like coffee, buy me anything sweet please " She said.

" oooohhh ok, so your a kid then " I said.

" yeaaah, says an adult who doesn't even know how to bring an umbrella on this weather " she said rolling her eyes.

" I'm glad I didn't bring one " I honestly stated.

" Don't try to flirt with me " I looked at her, amazed on how straightforward she is. My kind of girl.

" Are you just gonna look? I need my sweet driink now " bossy ! Hahaha another turn on for me.

We chatted for a while until she noticed that the rain had stopped. Damn you rain !!! You should've pour forever ! She was about to leave when I stopped her.

" Hey, I'm Lisa, what's your name ? Annd can I asked your number ? " I said feeling confident.

" oohhhh too cocky Ms. Lisa, I'm not gonna tell my name tho, hahahaha see you when I see you. Byieee " She said and left.

Leaving me dumbfounded on my seat. fuck ! What was that ? She was too talkative earlier. I thought  I earned a friend. Sigh, I will wait for her here until I met her again....

See you soon, my beautiful stranger.

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